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Alphabetical Listing of Interest Sessions
2025 2025 ACDA National Conference March 18-22, 2025 Dallas, Texas
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Interest Sessions (Open to Both Tracks) )
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March 18-22 Dallas, TX In t er est S essions
pedagogy, and interdisciplinary storytelling. Morin’s
Connect and Co-Create: background includes ten years as a public high school
Engaging Singer-Led Artistry choir and music teacher, providing artistic development
and ensemble leadership, multi-modal artistic work in
with Young Singers incarceration settings, field leadership, and experience
performing in community and professional ensembles.
She is the associate director of Choirs for Boston Chil-
Thursday 1:10 pm - 2:00 pm dren’s Chorus, sings with VOICES 21C, and is a teacher
First United Methodist Church for Boston University’s Prison Arts Initiative.
Decolonizing Choral Music
This interactive repertoire session responds to the
challenge of co-creating artistry with elementary sing- of the Philippines
ers while managing behaviors, accomplishing goals,
and building community. The presenters will offer a
values-based framework that harnesses the creativity of Saturday 9:00 am - 9:50 am
young singers and their artistic agency in the rehearsal National Shrine Cathedral of Our Lady of Guadalupe
process. Through engaging directly with repertoire, Grand Salon
this interactive, responsive, and singer-led approach to
rehearsal will be modeled and explored collaboratively.
Participants will leave this session with innovative strat- Despite a robust culture of choral music, Filipino
egies to access and enliven creativity in young singers, musical perspectives are invisible in U.S. curricula, and
supplemental lists of quality treble repertoire, and re- our musical culture remains vulnerable to miseducation.
sources for rehearsal activities and games. This session provides choral conductors with an explora-
tion of underperformed repertoire, authentic pedagogi-
Nicky Manlove (they/them) is the com- cal approaches, an introduction to pronunciation (Taga-
munity engagement director for the Tuc- log), and how to find repertoire and resources. This is an
son Girls Chorus, where they also serve interactive session, so be prepared to dance, sing, laugh,
as associate conductor and accompanist. cry, and learn as we broaden our musical perspectives,
Manlove is a committed advocate of ensuring a brighter future for all.
equity-centered and liberatory choral practice, and
supports a number of justice-focused choral initiatives Reagan G. Paras is associate professor for
nationally. Manlove’s research on gender diversity has Berklee College of Music in Boston, Mas-
been featured on The Choral Commons podcast, as well as sachusetts. Paras has directed performance
at choral and music education conferences around the tours across the U. S. and abroad. He is the
country. Manlove holds a BA from Seattle University artistic director for Many Voices: Mechan-
and an MM from the University of Arizona. ics Hall’s Youth Singers, music director for The Nashua
Choral Society, and conductor of the Massachusetts
Krystal Morin (she/her) is a New Eng- Kodály Music Institute Choir. Paras regularly presents
land-based conductor, singer, and edu- at research symposiums across the U. S. He serves on
cator who is passionate about leading executive boards for music associations across the north-
singing experiences rooted in empower- east. He is a guest conductor, clinician, and adjudicator
ment, co-creation, culturally responsive for music festivals nationwide.
46 CHORAL JOURNAL January 2025 Volume 65 Number 5