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2024 ACDA Eastern Region Conference

                                   H onor C  hoir C  onduc   t ors
                                   Honor Choir Conductors

                 Collegiate and Adult Mixed Voice                        High School Mixed Voice

                    Alysia Lee  is a Kennedy Center Citizen             Felicia Barber is  an associate  profes-
                    Artist and the founder and artistic direc-          sor, adjunct, of choral conducting  and
                    tor of Sister Cities Girlchoir, the youth-          conductor of the Yale  Camerata  at
                    centered choral and songwriting academy             Yale University. In addition to teaching
                    in Philadelphia, Camden, and Baltimore              graduate-level choral conductors  and
        in its twelfth  season. Her  piece  Say  Her  Name is per-  aspiring undergraduate conductors, she is developing
        formed worldwide. She has recent composition com-   a new initiative designed to prepare Yale students to
        missions from Baltimore Choral Arts, Portland Lesbian   work with young musicians in both school and church
        Choir, Artemisia Trio, and ComMission Possible. She   settings.  Her research interests include fostering class-
        frequents as a guest conductor, most recently with the   room diversity  in choral curricula and the  linguistic
        Mendelssohn Chorus and Boston Children’s Chorus.    performance practice of African American spirituals.
        She is a board member of Chorus America. Speaking/  A sought-after  guest  conductor, she will conduct the
        facilitation engagements include the U.S. Department   Carnegie Hall Festival in 2024.  She holds a BM in
        of Education, The Kennedy Center, Save the Music,   vocal performance from Oral Roberts University, an
        Carnegie Hall, and many universities/colleges, school   MME from Mansfield University, and a PhD in mu-
        districts, and professional associations.           sic education and choral conducting from the Florida
                                                            State University.

                                                                  Middle School/Junior High Mixed Voice

                    Sophia Papoulis is a conductor, clinician,
                    singer, and music educator based in New             Liana Salinas is a music educator and en-
                    York City. An expert in children’s voices,          trepreneur based in Miami, Florida. Sali-
                    she seeks  to  empower  the  youngest  of           nas is passionate about leading people—
                    young artists in her work, and is honored           especially  young  people—to  find  their
        to direct the 2024 ACDA Eastern Elementary Honor                purposes and use their voices confidently!
        Choir. Most recently, Papoulis served as the senior asso-  She believes in the power of music to inspire change,
        ciate conductor for the award-winning Young People’s   and in the practice of choral singing to unite. Salinas
        Chorus of New York City, where she conducted young   proudly serves as the  artistic  director  for the  Miami
        people since 2007. Last season, she conducted YPC in   Children’s Chorus, an organization near and dear to
        Brundibár, a children’s opera written before the start of   her heart. She is entering her twenty-fifth season with
        World War II by Hans Krása and Adolf Hoffmeister.   the MCC, having been a chorister, conductor, and now
        She has furthered her impact as a widely sought-after   artistic director. Salinas is also the CEO and founder
        guest conductor and choral clinician, bringing her ex-  of My Music Match, a company that matches students
        pertise to choristers and choral conductors around the   with teachers for private lessons, group classes, master-
        US and the world.                                   classes, and live music events in Miami, New York, and
                                                            online all over the world.

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