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March 9-12, 2022                                                                  Spokane, Washington

                   6th-8th Grade Middle School                             9th-12th Grade Jazz

                    Fernando Malvar-Ruiz, internationally              Amanda Taylor is a GRAMMY®-nom-
                    regarded choral conductor, clinician, ed-          inated arranger specializing in music for
                    ucator, and expert in the changing male            vocal ensembles. A Seattle native, Tay-
                    voice, is artistic director of Los Ange-           lor grew up singing in the Seattle Youth
                    les Children’s Chorus. Previously, Mal-            Symphony and Seattle Girls’ Choir. At
        var-Ruiz was music director of the American Boychoir.   16, she joined the professional jazz ensemble Groove

        He prepared the choir for appearances with the New   for Thought (NBC’s “The Sing-Off”). In 2010, Taylor
        York Philharmonic, Philadelphia Orchestra, Chicago   attended Central Washington University to study music
        Symphony Orchestra, Berlin Philharmonic, and Lon-   composition. In 2018, she joined Sara Gazarek, Johnaye
        don Symphony Orchestra. He has led performances     Kendrick, and Erin Bentlage to form the critically ac-
        on the Academy Awards and a 9/11 Memorial Service   claimed “vocal supergroup” säje. She recently founded
        broadcast on CNN. He has a master’s degree in choral   the vocal arranging company Wicked Pigeon and has
        conducting from Ohio State University and completed   relocated to Seattle to write full time. Taylor serves as a
        coursework toward a doctoral degree from the Univer-  guest clinician and adjudicator at vocal jazz festivals and
        sity of Illinois.                                   arranges for scholastic and professional vocal ensembles.

                                                                           11th - 12th Grade TB

                                                            Gary Packwood will be the conductor of this choir. His
                                                            bio and photo are on page 54.

                                 Northwestern Region Registration Information

                                          Register at

                                   Early Registration ends 11:59 pm CST February 10, 2022

                                        Attendee $230    Retired $180   Student $75

                                     Registration after 11:59 pm CST February 10, 2022

                                         Attendee $275   Retired $200   Student $95

        CHORAL JOURNAL  January 2022                                                                           Volume 62  Number 5            167
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