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2022 ACDA Northwestern Region Conference

                                           Headliner and Special E        v en
                                           Headliner and Special Eventsts

                         Closing Concert                                Freddy O. Vilches is a multi-instrumen-
                                                                        talist (charango, Venezuelan cuatro, que-
                                                                        na, zampoñas, Afro-Cuban percussion)
                                                                        singer/songwriter, and educator based in
                                                                        Portland, Oregon. Originally from Santi-
                                                            ago, Chile, Vilches has performed extensively through-
                                                            out the U.S. and Latin America. He has recorded and
                                                            performed with some of the most versatile Latin bands
                                                            in the Northwest, and he performs regularly with his
                                                            own Matices Latin Ensemble. He holds a PhD in Latin
                                                            American Literature from the University of Oregon.
        Abya Yala Choral Suite                              He joined the faculty of Lewis and Clark College in
        Pan-Latin-American Premiere                         2006 and is an associate professor in the Department
        A Co-Commission by NW ACDA and                      of World Languages and Literatures.
        Resonance Ensemble
                                                                        Katherine FitzGibbon is professor of
        Freddy Vilches, composer                                        music and director of choral activities at
        Performed with Matices Latin Ensemble                           Lewis & Clark College, where she con-
        Kathy FitzGibbon, conductor                                     ducts two of the three choirs and oversees
        Combined Lifelong Choirs:                                       the vibrant voice, choral, and opera areas.
        Resonance Ensemble (Portland, OR), Spokane Kan-     FitzGibbon founded Resonance Ensemble in 2009, ini-
        torei (Spokane, WA), Seattle Pro Musica (Seattle, WA)  tially dedicated to thematic, collaborative vocal perfor-
                                                            mances with artistic partners. In the last several years,
           Three lifelong choirs collaborate in premiering Abya   she and Resonance have shifted their mission, focus-
        Yala Choral Suite with Freddy Vilches and Portland-based   ing on underrepresented composers and communities.
        Matices Latin Ensemble. The word “Abya Yala” comes   Recently commissioned works include compositions by
        from the Guna people, meaning “Land in its Full Ma-  Melissa Dunphy, Renee Favand-See, Damien Geter,
        turity.” Abya Yala is often used by indigenous peoples   and Joe Kye.
        to refer to Latin America, reclaiming the name to
        center indigenous perspectives rather than colonized
        perspectives. Chilean-born composer and cuatro and
        charango performer Freddy Vilches has created a cho-

        ral suite with five-person Latin ensemble in six move-
        ments, each of which sets a poem from a Latin Amer-
        ican poet exploring identities that are othered within
        Latin America, such as people of Indigenous descent,
        mixed race people in Cuba, and Black people in Bra-
        zil. Each movement features folk music styles from the
        region being discussed in that poem, and the compo-
        sition aims to invite a reflection upon both the univer-

        sality of dominant cultures and the beauty of diverse
        Latin American musical styles and poetry.

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