Page 104 - Jan.indd
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2022 ACDA Southwestern Region Conference
In t e r est S
Interest Sessionsessions
vulnerability, singer identity, vocal pi. She has presented at state-level
The Choral Music
and rehearsal techniques, and strat- conferences throughout the South
of Imogen Holst egies for fostering inclusive spaces and Midwest and at national con-
and diverse learning opportunities ferences.
Imogen Holst was a conduc- designed to empower choristers. In-
tor, music educator, composer, and formation and strategies presented
scholar. She was the daughter of in this session will amplify the voic-
Gustav Holst, student of Herbert es and lived experiences of diverse Developing Student Leaders
Howells and Ralph Vaughan Wil- populations of students participat- in the Choral Ensemble
liams, and dear friend and assistant ing in secondary and collegiate tre-
to Benjamin Britten; the admired ble choirs. There will also be a time This session explores the devel-
musical language of these three of discussion. opment of student section leaders
icons of British music permeate in high school and collegiate cho-
Imogen’s compositional output. Un- Elizabeth (Libby) ral ensembles and provides practi-
like her father’s widely celebrated Hearn is assistant pro- cal, easily implemented steps for
life and works, Imogen’s works have fessor of choral music mentoring and utilizing student
remained in the lesser-known shad- education at the Uni- leaders in your own program. We
ows of the canon. This session will versity of Mississippi, will examine benefits for student
shed light on her life and career, and where she conducts Women’s Glee leaders and our ensembles, our roles
share several of her published choral and University Chorus. She also as teacher/mentors, and three spe-
works—all varying in length, instru- teaches courses in choral music ed- cific areas where student leaders can
mentation, occasion, and ensem- ucation, conducting, and qualita- learn and develop. The session in-
ble-type. tive research. Hearn was previously cludes interactive demonstrations of
assistant professor of music and di- student leadership in choral warm-
Liza Calisesi Maidens is the clinician rector of choral activities at Marian ups, sectional rehearsals, and full
for this session. Her photo and bio University in Indianapolis, where ensemble rehearsals.
are on page 46. she conducted of Knight Fusion
Singers and the University Chorus. Paul Mayhew is an
Hearn received a PhD from the assistant professor of
University of Alabama. choral music educa-
Cultivating Confidence in tion at the University
Secondary and Collegiate Treble Alicia Canterbury of Central Arkansas,
serves as assistant pro- where he conducts the University
Voices: Identity, Inclusion, and
fessor in music educa- Chorus and teaches courses in mu-
Empowerment tion in the Department sic education. Mayhew taught on
of Music at Southern the collegiate level for 11 years and
This interactive session will equip Illinois University Edwardsville, taught music in the public schools
choral educators with the skills and where she teaches undergraduate for 17 years in Arizona and Oregon.
information they need to cultivate and graduate music education ma- He holds a BME from the Universi-
confidence in their treble (SA) sing- jors and conducts the SIUE Treble ty of Arizona, an MM from North-
ers. We will discuss aspects of confi - Choir. She earned a BME from ern Arizona University, and a PhD
dence building that are unique to the Mercer University, an MM from from the Florida State University.
treble choral setting, including but Texas Tech University, and a PhD
not limited to: creating a culture of from the University of Mississip-
102 CHORAL JOURNAL January 2022 Volume 62 Number 5