Page 101 - Jan.indd
P. 101

2022 ACDA Southwestern Region Conference

                                          Interest Sessionsessions
                                                 est S
                                                                             terthought, these moments are ripe
           All the Colors on Our Palette:          Are We Together?
                                                                             opportunities to direct the emotion-
              Exploring Sound-Based                                          al trajectory and meaning of a pro-
               Repertoire Selection          Together is about more than  gram. Transitions emphasize, add,
                                           rhythm. Together means that lead-  contrast, bring order, and give con-
           Thanks to online access and a rise  ers and learners have shared objec-  text to our work. This session seeks
        in self-publishing platforms, we are  tives, a clear understanding of the  to explore parameters for consider-
        able to bring more repertoire from  task at hand, and eff ective  com-  ation. Topics will include strategies
        around the world into our rehears-  munication (verbal and gestural) to  in planning, methodology for imple-
        al space. But how do we equip our  realize short- and long-term goals.  mentation, and examples of applica-
        singers with the skillset and sensi-  Christopher Aspaas will provide a  tion. This session will most readily
        tivity they need to switch between  successful model for these concepts  apply to conductors of the second-
        foreign-language dictions? How do  as well as tools for long-term growth.  ary and collegiate levels.

        we build flexibility into our ensem-  Be sure to bring some videos of your
        ble’s timbral palette? How do we  conducting!                                    Kristina Caswell Mac-
        approach unfamiliar sonic territories                                            Mullen serves as associ-
        with respect and responsibility? This         Christopher Aspaas                 ate professor of choral
        session explores avenues for igniting         serves as director of              conducting at the Uni-
        the ensemble’s sonic creativity. In           choral activities and              versity of North Texas,
        addition, we look at how we might             associate professor of  where she conducts the University
        address issues of tokenism, appro-            music at TCU. At TCU,  Singers, Kalandra, and instructs
        priation, and inequity through a  Aspaas leads the Concert Chorale,  students in the areas of conducting
        sound-based repertoire selection.  TCU’s flagship mixed ensemble, as  and choral pedagogy. MacMullen

                                           well as the Frog Corps, TCU’s pre-  has conducted all-state and honors
                    Charlotte Botha is the  mier tenor-bass vocal ensemble. He  choirs throughout the United States.
                    director of choral ac-  also teaches basic coursework and  She has presented and co-presented
                    tivities at Hamilton  oversees the graduate choral con-  interest sessions at state, regional,
                    College in Clinton,  ducting program. His travels as a  national, and international confer-
                    NY, where she con-     guest conductor, clinician, adjudica-  ences. She is a graduate of Michi-
        ducts the College Choir and the  tor, and lecturer have taken him to  gan State University and Texas Tech
        Hamilton Voices choregie ensemble.  more than half of the United States,  University.
        She teaches music theory and social  Canada, Germany, South Korea,
        justice musicology. During her cho-  China, and the Sultanate of Oman.
        ral conducting DMA at the Univer-
        sity of North Texas, she served as                                         Body, Mind, and Spirit:
        conductor of the Women’s Chorus,        Artistry Uninterrupted:               Unifying Health
        assistant conductor of the Universi-                                          for Conductors
        ty Singers, and assistant conductor      Purposeful Transitions
        of the Dallas Symphony Chorus.              in Performance
        Botha’s MM is from Nelson Mande-                                       It is no  secret  that music  educa-
        la University, and her BM is from the   The advent of concept-driven  tors are pulled in an array of direc-
        University of Pretoria.            programming invites all conductors  tions, oftentimes left with little time
                                           to reimagine the role of transition  to take care of themselves. So, what
                                           within a program. Instead of an af-  are the inherent risks of leading en-

        CHORAL JOURNAL  January 2022                                                                           Volume 62  Number 5            99
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