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2022 ACDA Southwestern Region Conference

                                          Performing ChoirsChoirs
                           Voces Spiritus                                  Willard High School
                    Community Youth Girls Choir                               Chamber Choir

                                                              “Music is the gateway to the soul.” What a profound
                                                            visual: a gateway; a route that aligns the body to reach
                                                            the most vulnerable place a person has: their soul. If mu-
           Voce Spiritus is a community youth choir for girls in   sic is the gateway, we are the doorkeepers—the ones who
        7th-12th grades, open to singers throughout the Oklaho-  hand over our keys; the humbled beholders stepping
        ma City area.  The group is the premier choir under the   aside for what relentlessly unites humanity: music. Noth-
        branch of the organization “Music Strengthens.” Voce   ing realizes this more than being in Chamber Choir. Ev-
        Spiritus provides a positive singing environment where   ery day, a common  flame is sparked in our souls and

        young ladies are challenged musically, given unique per-  ignited by our conductor. Every day, we empathize with
        formance opportunities, encouraged to become respon-  the text of the composer. Every day, music makes us one.
        sible leaders of character and integrity, develop strong   Adora Snead, Class of 2020.
        friendships, and become life-long musicians and music
        advocates. The choir curriculum utilizes a Kodàly-based        Mark Lawley’s experience as a conductor is
        approach to singing and performs mostly a cappella mu-         best described by Marjorie Holmes’s words:
        sic.                                                           “We are given glimpses of the divine. For
                                                                       a little while our own world changes, too;
                    Darla Eshelman recently retired from 23            its harsh edges soften, melt into something
                    years of university teaching, where she was   lovely…the grim gives way to something that shines.
                    vocal music education coordinator and su-  We are soothed or enlivened, delighted or profoundly
                    pervisor for student teachers. Prior to that,   moved. We forget, we forgive, we want to dance and
                    she taught K-12 vocal music for 15 years in   laugh and love and cry. Nobody can tell me this isn’t
        Arizona and Oklahoma. She is artistic director of Voce   your doing, God. You speak to us, calling to us, using
        Spiritus, a published choral composer, and has served as   music to stir us, comfort us, uplift us. And giving us a
        OKCDA president, OAKE Southern Division president,   foretaste of even more beautiful music to come.”
        and OKMEA Higher Education Representative. She
        currently teaches PK-8 music and choir for the Acad-
        emy of Classical Christian Studies in Oklahoma City.

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