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February 28 - March 3, 2022                                                Little Rock, Arkansas

                     University of North Texas                        University of Texas at Arlington
                         A Cappella Choir                                    A Cappella Choir

           The University of North Texas A Cappella Choir was
        founded in 1938. In addition to a distinguished record   The University of Texas at Arlington A Cappella
        of conference appearances at TMEA and the ACDA  Choir is the premiere choral ensemble of the university,
        Southwestern Region, A Cappella Choir has performed  comprising primarily undergraduate and graduate vo-
        for four ACDA National Conferences (2021, 2013, 2005,  cal music majors. In recent years, the choir has given
        and 1999) and for the 2008 NCCO Conference.         invited performances at the NCCO conference, twice at
                                                            TMEA, the SWACDA region conference, and served as
                    Allen Hightower serves as the director of  choir-in-residence for the conducting competition at the
                    choral studies at the University of North  ACDA National Conference in Salt Lake City.
                    Texas, where he guides the MM and DMA
                    programs in choral conducting and con-             Karen Kenaston-French is professor and
                    ducts the A Cappella Choir, Vox Aquilae,           director of choral activities at the Universi-
        and Grand Chorus. Since coming to UNT in 2016, the             ty of Texas Arlington, where she conducts
        A Cappella Choir has performed by invitation for both          the A Cappella Choir, teaches conducting,
        TMEA in 2020 and ACDA in 2021. Hightower previous-             and heads the Vocal Area. Under her di-
        ly taught at Odessa Permian High School, Sam Houston  rection, the UTA A Cappella Choir has performed at
        State University, and Luther College. He earned his un-  TMEA state conventions twice, region and national con-
        dergraduate degree from Sam Houston State University,  ferences of ACDA, and an NCCO national conference.
        master's degrees from the Eastman School of Music and  She holds degrees from West Virginia Wesleyan College,
        Baylor University, and doctorate from the University of  Southern Methodist University, and the University of
        California, Los Angeles.                            North Texas. In 2019 she was named artistic director/
                                                            conductor of the Fort Worth Chorale.

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