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2022 ACDA Southwestern Region Conference

                                          Performing ChoirsChoirs
                                          P e r f orming

                     Montgomery High School                            Trinity Springs Middle School
                            Madrigals                                       Varsity Treble Choir

                                                              Located in the Dallas/Fort Worth Metroplex, Trinity
           The Montgomery Madrigals is the select varsity  Springs Middle School serves 900 students in the Keller
        mixed choir in Montgomery Independent School Dis-   Independent School District. Consisting of seventh and
        trict, Montgomery, TX. The ensemble consists of 35  eighth graders, the Varsity Treble Choir consistently re-
        students in grades 10-12 and performs in a variety of  ceives Sweepstakes awards at University Interscholastic
        concerts and community settings. Many students are  League concert and sight-reading evaluation and sang at
        members of TFME and Tri-M music Honor Society  the 2019 TMEA Convention. This ensemble comprises
        and are active in Regional and State Solo and Ensemble  a diverse population of multi-talented students who have
        University Interscholastic League Contests, as well as in  a passion for singing. Members are consistently named
        region and all-state choirs.                        to TMEA All-Region Choirs, TCDA MS/JH All-State
                                                            Choir, and SWACDA Honor Choirs.
                    Heather Orr is in her 20th year as the di-
                    rector of choral activities at Montgom-             Clinton Hardy is the head choral director
                    ery High School and 26th year of teach-             at Trinity Springs Middle School and is
                    ing. She holds an MA in vocal pedagogy              in his 13th year of teaching. He received
                    from the Ohio State University and a BM             his BME from Texas Christian University
        from Heidelberg University. Choirs under Orr’s direc-           and his MM from the University of North
        tion have performed at the TMEA Convention in 2018,  Texas. He directs seven choirs and serves as the head of
        2010, and 2005; National ACDA in 2021 and 2011; and  the fi ne arts department. Most recently, Hardy’s Varsi-
        SWACDA in 2018. Orr has been recognized with the  ty Tenor-Bass Choir was invited to perform at the 2021
        UIL Sponsor Excellence Award and Fine Arts Teacher  National ACDA Conference. His Varsity Treble Choir
        of the Year Award.                                  was invited to perform for TMEA  in 2019.

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