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Wednesday, February 22                             Detailed Schedule

          teaching strategies for helping our   5  Tone and Style: Using Pop Music    6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
          singers and communities understand   to Build Better Singers
          our process for bringing such works                                   Exhibitor Happy Hour
          and stories to life.               Duke Energy CC 2nd Floor
                                            North Meeting Room 206             Duke Energy Convention Center
          Sandra Snow, presenter                                               Exhibit Hall
                                               Why should we perform popular
          mirabai ensemble, Insight Choir   music with our choirs? How can we
                                            use contemporary music to build     Composer Fair
          Gretchen Harrison, presider       stronger singers and diverse pro-  Duke Energy CC 2nd Floor
          Chair, National Standing Committee   grams  while  expanding  traditional   West Meeting Room
          for Repertoire & Resources        technique and challenging choral
                                            norms? This session will reveal the   Pre-Function Lobby
                                            benefits of popular and contempo-
           4  Sleeping Choral Giant:        rary music to choral singers and their   Research Poster Sessions
          Rediscovering the Music of        communities while also address-
          Samuel Coleridge-Taylor           ing  the  most  common  roadblocks  Duke Energy CC 3rd Floor

          Duke Energy CC 2nd Floor          directors face while teaching it.   Junior Ballroom C and D
                                            Participants will leave with a better
          South Meeting Rooms 230-233       understanding of  the importance   Pre-Function Lobby
                                            of culturally native pop music in the
            Many choral musicians are fa-   choral program, strategies to suc-  6:05 PM - 6:55 PM
          miliar with English choral music at   cessfully and authentically teach this
          the turn of the twentieth century   music to their singers, and practical   Community Choirs

          from the likes of Vaughan Williams,   ways to incorporate it into their
          Elgar, and Stanford. But few are   programs.                          R&R Forum
          aware of the contributions of Samuel                                 Duke Energy CC 3rd Floor
          Coleridge-Taylor, a Black English   J. D. Frizzell and Rob Dietz,    Junior Ballroom B
          composer whose choral and orches-  presenters
          tral works were performed around                                     Community Choirs Survived a
          the world to near universal acclaim.     Kelsey Burkett, presider
          It is time for him to take his rightful   Co-Chair, National R&R for   Pandemic; Now, How Do We
          place among our collection of great                                  Thrive Again?
          English choral composers. Come and   Contemporary/Commercial
          hear selections from his works as we   (Show Choir)                    Join Community Choir conductors
          discuss his life, his music, and how to                              to discuss strategies and best practices
          program it for our choirs.                                           in the areas of recruitment/retention,
                                                                               rehearsal tips & tricks, fundraising/
          Will Chandler and Zanaida Stewart                                    grant writing, and other artistic and
          Robles, presenters                                                   administrative topics.

          Jefferson Johnson, presider                                          Presenter: Matt Hill
          Director of Choral Activities at the
          University of Kentucky

            58      CHORAL JOURNAL  Volume 63  Number 6                                                         February 2023 / 2023 ACDA National Conference Program Book
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