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          You … All My World                   Interest Sessions               common goal: to embrace the music
          Christopher Harris                  Choose from six options          of all our students’ lives and cultures
          Commission (Manuscript)                                              as a gateway for creating a vibrant
                                                                               culture of  mutual trust, authentic
          Tchaka                             1  HerVoice: Mentoring Emerging   connections, and profound learning.
          Sydney Guillaume                   Women Choral Composers            Participants will learn how to select
          Sydney Guillaume Music
                                             Duke Energy CC 2nd Floor          culturally  relevant  repertoire,  con-

                                             North Meeting Room 206            ducting strategies for various genres,
                                                                               and guide students through adjusting
           3:00 PM - 3:50 PM                                                   vocal technique to “musically code
                                               ACDA is proud to be a sponsor of  switch.” These methods provide
           Exhibitor’s Showcase              HerVoice, a competition and men-  a fresh and relatable approach for

                                             torship project for emerging women  teaching various concepts, including
          Sight Reading Factory              composers of a cappella choral mu-  composing, harmonies, sight-reading,
                                             sic. The initiative serves a global net-  and more. Finally, this session will
          Duke Energy CC 2nd Floor           work of emerging women composers  assist  choral  educators  in  reflecting
          Meeting Rooms 260-262              who receive artistic, professional, and  on their own biases surrounding
                                             career advice from a panel of master  repertoire selection and culturally
          Improve music literacy with this time   composers, including Stacy Garrop  responsive practices.
          saving sight singing tool!         (chair), Chen Yi, and Zanaida Stew-
                                             art Robles. Founded by John William   Maria A. Ellis, presenter
                                             Trotter, artistic director of the profes-
           2:40 PM - 3:30 PM                 sional vocal ensemble Chicago a cap- Joy Hirokawa, presider

                                             pella, HerVoice is now in its second   Chair, National R&R for Children's &
           Community Choirs                  year. Come learn about the impetus   Community Youth Choirs
           R&R Forum                         of this project, who benefits, how to
                                             share it with others, and even how to
          Duke Energy CC 3rd Floor           participate yourself!              3   Navigating through Mexican
          Junior Ballroom B                                                    Choral Music and Recognizing Biased
                                             John William Trotter, Zanaida Stewart
          Community Choirs Survived a        Robles, Sarai Hillman, and Edna Yeh,   Performance Practices
          Pandemic; Now, How Do We           presenters                        Duke Energy CC 2nd Floor
          Thrive Again?                                                        South Meeting Rooms 263-264
                                             Mary Hopper, presider
            Join Community Choir conductors   Past President, National ACDA      This presentation aims to shed
          to discuss strategies and best practices                             light on clichés related to the pro-
          in the areas of recruitment/retention,                               gramming of Mexican choral music
          rehearsal tips & tricks, fundraising/  2  Mission Possible:          while providing ideas for the inclusion
          grant writing, and other artistic and   Making Choir Accessible to All  of repertoire beyond the stereotypical
          administrative topics.                                               folk song. The session will include
                                             Duke Energy CC 2nd Floor          successful tactics and resources for the

          Presenter: Matt Hill               South Meeting Rooms 230-233       participants in the form of a handout
                                                                               with further enrichment on compos-
                                               This session will introduce peda-  ers, websites, and sample concert
                                             gogical approaches that share a  programs. By the end of the session,

          CHORAL JOURNAL  February 2023 / 2023 ACDA National Conference Program Book                                           Volume 63  Number 6            53
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