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            Interest Sessions                composers, including Stacy Garrop   2  Mission Possible:
           Choose from six options           (chair), Chen Yi, and Zanaida Stew-  Making Choir Accessible to All
                                             art Robles. Founded by John William
                                             Trotter, artistic director of the profes-  Duke Energy CC 2nd Floor
           1  HerVoice: Mentoring Emerging   sional vocal ensemble Chicago a cap-  South Meeting Rooms 230-233
          Women Choral Composers             pella, HerVoice is now in its second
                                             year. Come learn about the impetus
                                                                                 This session will introduce peda-
          Duke Energy CC 2nd Floor           of this project, who benefits, how to   gogical approaches that share a
          North Meeting Room 206             share it with others, and even how to   common goal: to embrace the music
                                             participate yourself!             of all our students’ lives and cultures
             ACDA is proud to be a sponsor of                                  as a gateway for creating a vibrant
          HerVoice, a competition and men- John William Trotter, Zanaida Stewart   culture of  mutual trust, authentic
          torship project for emerging women   Robles, Sarai Hillman, and Edna Yeh,   connections, and profound learning.
          composers of a cappella choral mu-  presenters                       Participants will learn how to select
          sic. The initiative serves a global net-                             culturally  relevant  repertoire,  con-
          work of emerging women composers   Mary Hopper, presider             ducting strategies for various genres,
          who receive artistic, professional, and   Past President, National ACDA  and guide students through adjusting
          career advice from a panel of master                                 vocal technique to “musically code

          CHORAL JOURNAL  February 2023 / 2023 ACDA National Conference Program Book                                           Volume 63  Number 6            59
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