Page 59 - CJFeb23
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           World Musics and Cultures         and pieces of the German Renais-  Will Kesling, presenter
           R&R Deep Dive                     sance through middle Baroque eras,
                                             from madrigals and motets to can- Connie Drosakis, presider
                                             tatas by Johann Schein, Hans Leo   Past President, Southern Region
          Duke Energy Convention Center      Hassler, the other Bachs, and many
          Junior Ballroom B                  others. Explore expressive and ac-

          Love, Lyricism, and Humor          cessible pieces for any level or voicing   3  Paralysis to Catalyst:
                                             of ensemble. Attendees will receive
          in World Music                     a resource database of compositions   Problematizing Repertoire and
                                             and public domain scores.         Teaching Towards Collective Action
            If you have always wanted to in-                                   Duke Energy CC 3rd Floor
          clude Slavic or Asian music in your   Angelica Dunsavage and         Junior Ballroom D
          concerts but never felt confident, this   Jeff Vanderlee, presenters
          hands-on session is for you! We will
          sing and explore the universal theme   Jeffery Ames, presider          As we live through a time of ra-
          of love, expressed with humor and   President-Elect, Southern Region  cial reckoning in the United States,
          lyricism, through the lens of Bul-                                   choral conductor/teachers have
          garian, Macedonian,  Russian,  and                                   grappled with meaningful responses
          Korean languages and folk cultures.   2  Our December Dilemma:       in our programming, in what our
          You will grow in confidence in inter-  The “Sacred” Controversy      students experience in the choral
          preting world music armed with tools                                 classroom, and the impacts of public
          to decipher the text meaning in the   Duke Energy CC 2nd Floor       performance. Teaching professionals
          context of the cultures, the intrica-  North Meeting Rooms 201-204   as well as singers in their ensembles
          cies of the pronunciations, and the                                  struggle to understand what music
          authenticity of the choral sound.                                    should be performed, leading in some
                                               Within public educational institu- cases to paralysis over singing music
                                             tions, facing scrutiny by administra- outside one’s lived experience.
          Presenter: Madlen Batchvarova      tors, outside voices, even parents   This session is an honest ex-

                                             regarding the performance of choral  amination of what it means to be
                                             works with sacred texts is inevitable.  a catalyst in the sphere of choral
           Interest Sessions                 Once regarded as our “December  performance and music education.
           Choose from five options          dilemma,” the broadening secular- Using the theoretical frameworks
                                             ization of society triggers increased  of culturally relevant and culturally
                                             pushback against sacred text works.  sustaining pedagogies, we will frame
           1 Forgotten Gems:                 Question: “Is singing sacred texts in a  a  process  for  difficult  conversations
          Exploring Works of the German      public educational institution a viola- in choir and our communities at
          Renaissance and Baroque            tion of the Establishment Clause of  large. Examples will be shared and
          Duke Energy CC 2nd Floor           the Constitution?” This session will  demonstrated through musical works,
                                             answer this question with the support  including Andrea Ramsey’s  Suffrage
          South Meeting Rooms 263-264        of selected court cases, statements by  Cantata, Zanaida Robles’s No Fairytale
                                             U.S. presidents, and The Department  Here, Melissa Dunphy’s Survival Plan
            As historical research advances,   of  Education’s  public  policies.  As  of  Sorts, and Mari Esabel Valverde’s
          choral scholars are taking a greater   a response, suggestions for obeying  When Thunder Comes. We walk into the
          interest in forgotten pieces of our   the “sacred” law of the land will be  messiness of our own fears of appro-
          choral history. This presentation ex-  postulated.                   priation and desire to honor other’s
          plores the under-represented people                                  stories and model talking points and

          CHORAL JOURNAL  February 2023 / 2023 ACDA National Conference Program Book                                           Volume 63  Number 6            57
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