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          June and July 2021. This pilgrimage  vocal needs without compromising     4:00 PM - 4:50 PM
          became the foundation for the multi-  musical integrity.
          movement work. Tesfa, Mark, and                                       Exhibitor’s Showcase
          students from the Men’s Glee Club   Stevie J. Hirner, presenter
          will share experiences from the resi-                                Music by Catherine Dalton and
          dency and world premiere, showing   Julie Dana, presider
          how the journey to repair has embed-  President-Elect, Western Region  Linda Kachelmerie
          ded itself within our collective lives as                            Duke Energy CC 2nd Floor
          a result. Every note, phrase, harmony,
          rhythm, and melody is connected to a                                 Meeting Rooms 260-262

          story, person, or experience.      6  Where Do We Go From Here?
                                            A DIC Panel                        Words that Sing: Distinctive Music
          Mark Stover, presenter            Duke Energy CC 2nd Floor           by Catherine Dalton and Linda
          University of Michigan Men's Glee   North Meeting Room 212
          Club, Insight Choir
                                               Learn about accessibility, diversity,   4:00 PM - 6:00 PM
          Anton Armstrong, presider         equity, inclusion, belonging, and re-
          Conductor, St. Olaf Choir, Minnesota  storative justice (ADEIBR)  initiatives   Concert Session A  (Four Choirs)
                                            within the ACDA and the application
                                            of these initiatives across the orga-  Aronoff Center for the Arts
                                            nization nationally. Structured as a   Proctor and Gamble Hall
           5  (Trans)itioning Voices: Inclusivity   panel discussion and moderated by
          through Line Recombination        Arreon A. Harley-Emerson, Chair    Jeffrey Murdock, presider

          Duke Energy CC 2nd Floor          of the DIC, this session will be an op-  President, Southwestern Region
          North Meeting Rooms 201-204       portunity for attendees to hear about   4:00 PM - 4:30 PM
                                            these initiatives and ask questions of
                                            the Diversity Initiatives Committee,
            This session presents a new meth-  and Robyn Hilger, ACDA Executive   1 Texas Christian University
          odology to promote the inclusivity of  Director. By providing session attend-  Concert Chorale
          transgender and gender expansive  ees insight into what is happening on
          (TGE) individuals in choral ensem-  the national level, we also hope to   Christopher Aspaas, conductor
          bles. Line recombination involves  further enable the attendees to imple-  Save Me, O God
          combining  portions  of  the  existing  ment ADEIBR practices in their own   Patrick Vu
          alto and tenor lines in a mixed en-  choral communities.             Manuscript
          semble in order to provide a singable
          part without changing the musical  Arreon A. Harley-Emerson, Robyn   Heu Me, Domine (excerpt)
          content of the piece, thus supporting   Hilger, and Members of Diversity   Vincente Lusitano
          the student’s gender identity and ac-  Initiatives Committee, presenters   ed. Peter Gibeau
          counting for their vocal health during                     
          and after transition. Attendees will
          sing recombined lines in standard rep-                               Hurt (excerpt)
          ertoire and learn how to create their                                Trent Reznor
          own lines to provide an alternative                                  arr. Eric Whitacre
          for their TGE singers that meets their                               Hal Leonard Corporation

          CHORAL JOURNAL  February 2023 / 2023 ACDA National Conference Program Book                                           Volume 63  Number 6            55
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