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Wednesday, February 22                             Detailed Schedule

          switch.” These methods provide     3  Navigating through Mexican     programs. By the end of the session,
          a fresh and relatable approach for   Choral Music and Recognizing Biased   participants will have gained familiar-
          teaching various concepts, including   Performance Practices         ity with and a newfound appreciation
          composing, harmonies, sight-reading,                                 for vocal music by Mexican compos-
          and more. Finally, this session will   Duke Energy CC 2nd Floor      ers. This will enhance the learning
          assist  choral  educators  in  reflecting  South Meeting Rooms 263-264  experiences of our students, erase
          on their own biases surrounding                                      harmful tokenization, and aid in
          repertoire selection and culturally   This presentation aims to shed  building bridges through meaningful
          responsive practices.             light on clichés related to the pro-  connections in music.
                                            gramming of Mexican choral music
          Maria A. Ellis, presenter         while providing ideas for the inclusion   Ryan Fellman, presenter
                                            of repertoire beyond the stereotypical
          Joy Hirokawa, presider            folk song. The session will include  Amon Eady, presider
          Chair, National R&R for Children's &   successful tactics and resources for the   State President-Elect, Michigan
          Community Youth Choirs            participants in the form of a handout
                                            with further enrichment on compos-
                                            ers, websites, and sample concert

                                              National Collegiate Choral

                                              Welcomes all faculty and students involved in
                                              post-secondary choral music to join us:


                        The Backstage Event Center +

                           625 Walnut St, Cincinnati                    Morehouse College
                                                                           Atlanta, Georgia

                            Friday, February 24                           November 9–11
                               10 pm–Midnight                                   2023

                                     Details & calls for conference participation:

                         NCCO believes that singing together in post-secondary spaces can be a vital force for culturally-responsive
                             teaching and learning, one that connects us with each other, builds empathy, and inspires joy.

            60      CHORAL JOURNAL  Volume 63  Number 6                                                         February 2023 / 2023 ACDA National Conference Program Book
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