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Wednesday, February 22                             Detailed Schedule

          participants will have gained familiar-  4    To Repair: A Musical Call and    the broader community and society
          ity with and a newfound appreciation   Pilgrimage for Our Time       in which we live, work, and play.
          for vocal music by Mexican compos-  Duke Energy CC 3rd Floor         To repair requires the humility to
          ers. This will enhance the learning                                  acknowledge something is broken in
          experiences of our students, erase   Junior Ballroom D               the first place.
          harmful tokenization, and aid in                                       This 2023 ACDA Insight Choir
          building bridges through meaningful   What does it mean to seek to repair   session will feature the University of
          connections in music.             in our communities? How can we do   Michigan Men’s Glee Club, music
                                            it? We must begin internally, with a   director Mark Stover, and composer
          Ryan Fellman, presenter           willingness to look in the mirror and   Tesfa Wondemagegnehu in an inter-
                                            consider what needs to be done to   active and illuminating conversation
          Amon Eady, presider               repair within. As we repair within,   and encounter with a commisioned
          State President-Elect, Michigan   we can look to those around us—our   work that was borne from a desire
                                            families, neighbors, colleagues, and   to truly learn what was needed to
                                            friends—turning to the work of re-  repair in the wake of the events of the
                                            pair in those immediate relationships   summer of 2020. Tesfa visited over
                                            in our lives. As we repair within our   forty cities in the Midwest, Eastern
                                            inner circles, we can then look to   Seaboard,  and  Deep  South  during

            54      CHORAL JOURNAL  Volume 63  Number 6                                                         February 2023 / 2023 ACDA National Conference Program Book
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