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           5  You Can Be H.I.P. Too!!! –      1:00 PM - 1:50 PM                where we will break into small facili-
          Conducting an Historically-Informed                                  tated groups to discuss current topics
          Orchestra                           Exhibitor’s Showcase             that have significantly impacted our

          Duke Energy CC 2nd Floor                                             field.  Leave  with  ideas  and  action
          South Meeting Rooms 263-264       Hal Leonard Corporation            plans!

                                            Duke Energy CC 2nd Floor           Presenter: Joy Hirokawa
             This session will explore topics for   Meeting Rooms 260-262
          the choral conductor related to the
          H.I.P. movement (Historically In-  Copyright, self-publishing, and digi-  World Musics and Cultures
          formed Performance) of performing   tal music.                        R&R Deep Dive
          music with special attention to tech-
          nical and performance conventions                                    Duke Energy CC 3rd Floor
          present when a work was composed.   1:35 PM - 2:25 PM                Junior Ballroom B
          Topics  discussed  will  benefit  each
          conductor, ranging from the gifted   Children/Community Youth        Love, Lyricism, and Humor
          aficionado  to  the  newly  intrigued,                               in World Music
          who is faced with the daunting task   R&R Forum
          of conducting a full-size orchestra   Duke Energy CC 2nd Floor         If you have always wanted to in-
          while still infusing an H.I.P. style                                 clude Slavic or Asian music in your
          into music making. This interactive   North Meeting Room 212         concerts but never felt confident, this
          session will showcase the world-class   Reflect, Brainstorm, Plan:   hands-on session is for you! We will
          early-music specialists of the Spire                                 sing and explore the universal theme
          Baroque  Orchestra,  using  musical   Building for the Future of C&CY  of love, expressed with humor and
          excerpts from Bach, Handel, Viv-                                     lyricism, through the lens of Bul-
          aldi, Mozart, Haydn, and Schubert.   How do we rebuild after Covid?   garian, Macedonian, Russian, and
                                            What are you doing to market your   Korean languages and folk cultures.
          Spire Baroque Orchestra,          choir? How are you supporting your   You will grow in confidence in in-
          Demonstration Group               LGBTQ students? We have had so     terpreting world music armed with
                                            many challenges in the past two    tools to decipher the text meaning
          Ben A. Spalding, presenter        years. Join us for the C&CY Forum   in the context of the cultures, the

          Julie Yu-Oppenheim, presider
          Past President, Southwestern Region

          CHORAL JOURNAL  February 2023 / 2023 ACDA National Conference Program Book                                           Volume 63  Number 6            49
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