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        CHORAL CON

         supervisor said noontime concerts for local community  connect with someone who can help you. If you are not
         clubs and newspaper photos of the at-risk students be-  a singer and tone is not happening, partner with a voice
         ing served. My response was twofold: 1) I couldn’t ask  person—you’ll have to think of something valuable to
         university students to miss their classes in the middle of  them that can make this an equally beneficial event.
         the day, and 2) I could not support newspaper photos
         labeling the middle school students in the program as  5. Rule of thumb: if you drive by a school each day as
         at risk. I took the grant but negotiated the terms.   you go to work and you know that the program is strug-
            So, if you are partnering with another group, find  gling, perhaps you could connect with them in some
         the people who want to solve the problems together.  small way that might be helpful and that would also
         Don’t let  them just give you their  problems, hoping  allow your students to gain something as well. Don’t
         you’ll solve it for them. It’s easy to say yes, but much  just reach out to “save” a teacher or program that is
         more challenging to remove yourself from that situa-  struggling. The secret is for you to need something they
         tion if it becomes negative. It really winds up not being  could contribute to help you or your students. There
         collaborative at all.                              needs to be a sense of equality, a mutual contribution
            I had a  wonderful  partnership in place  with Raa  and mutual benefit.
         Middle  School, strongly supported  by the  principal,   The Raa  MS program was valued  by the  middle
         music faculty, general faculty and FSU music education  school students because I asked them to invest in mak-
         program. We had before-school jazz, steel pans, strings,  ing the FSU student teachers the best on the planet. To
         and a world music choir—it was wonderful. My stu-  do that, we needed middle school singers who would
         dents were able to pull off their own full concerts with  work hard, pay attention,  and then  politely  verbally
         Raa Middle School, and then they moved seamlessly to  provide specific examples of successful teaching dur-
         their student teaching because of that Raa partnership.  ing that  rehearsal. They knew their  job was to  help
                                                            me make them better and they took it seriously (and
         How  might  we  encourage  those  who  may  be  they also loved having all those highly motivated young
         feeling discouraged or having a hard time find-    teachers trusting them to help). This school district had
         ing  the  time  for  a  partnership?  What  are  the  once been a fabulous place to attend but had suffered
         best steps to take in a collaborative direction?   student enrollment loss due to families moving farther
                                                            out to the suburbs. This FSU/Raa partnership turned
         1. Make a plan. What do you want to accomplish? Is  the school around. Anyone requesting to attend was ac-
         there a problem, or do you want to add something to  cepted, and more than 100 academically moderate to
         your choral program that would benefit your program  very strong students transferred to the school for the
         or your students?                                  arts enrichment provided by FSU College of Music.

         2. Start small so you can control most things that might  Has advocacy for the choral art played a role in
         make you miserable as you learn from mistakes.     your career? How do we explain to the general
                                                            population (to parents, administrators, and our
         3. Adopt-a-Choir (AAC) is easy to do. I’ve had many  audiences) that we are a naturally collaborative
         former students set up a short-term, combined event  field and we provide more than excellent mu-
         with feeder programs. A teacher in South Carolina de-  sic?
         cided to create AAC with middle school singers and
         volunteer singers in a nursing home. Most any com-   I don’t consider myself particularly strong as a pro-
         bination of singers can be adopted if approached in a  fessional advocate—I don’t think I do that very effec-
         tactful, diplomatic way.                           tively. During my career at Florida State University, I
                                                            found my colleagues involved in the Florida Music Ed-
         4. If your choral program is not currently thriving, then  ucators Association (FMEA) to be amazing advocates,

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