Page 51 - CJOct24
P. 51

Screenshot from the Gadsden Correctional Facility video showing a collaboration with the MTC Glee Club. Scan the QR code on the previous page to
        view the full video.

        or death. This much-loved senior softly described the   time, how might you do one or two things dif-
        challenges of keeping small children and babies con-  ferently?
        tained and quiet.
           It evidently became very tense as time passed, plus a   Do you know what you need to avoid at all costs?
        lack of food and water continued. Several men slipped   You don’t want to work with somebody who just needs
        out and managed to get into a bar that had an old pi-  you to do something for them, perhaps treating you
        ano, which they brought underground in the dark of   like someone who can check off an item on their to-do
        night. Although the bombs were still loud and it was   list. This potential disaster is prevented if a collabora-
        still pitch dark, someone began playing the piano and   tion gives equal work and equal benefit to both parties.
        everyone began to softly “sing their hearts out,” as he   However, if someone has a need and their solution is
        described it. You could have heard a pin drop in our   simply asking you to do it, this is a very unequal pairing
        choir; we were almost holding our breath throughout   and resentment may well result. “Saving” some group
        his description. He shared that he would never forget   or person can also become a negative, as it may seem
        that moment. He had always loved music and singing,   condescending  or  not  equally  beneficial.  Of  course,
        and he would always sing because it made his life a little   dumping a problem on someone, particularly if one
        better.                                             has authority over the other, is equally unfair. In addi-
           Across this partnership, we worked to prepare beau-  tion, we should not agree to a partnership that requires
        tiful music for the concert. But more importantly, we   us to do something we don’t necessarily support.
        actually started to see stereotypes break down, opinions   Years ago, a grant opportunity came my way for the
        change, and real relationships flourish among people   Raa Middle School/Florida State University partner-
        who viewed the world in different ways.             ship. It was more than $20,000, which was exciting.
                                                            However, one grant component asked that the part-
        What were some of the most difficult aspects        nership participants help publicize their grant dollars
        of your collaborations? If you could go back in     provided. When I asked what this would look like, the

        CHORAL JOURNAL  October 2024                                                                                       Volume 65  Number 3            49
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