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        CHORAL CON          VERSA     TION    S

         Middle School in Tallahassee. When you get a lot of   overwhelmingly liked each other.
         middle  school kids excited  to  sing with  college  stu-  When we first began this partnership, I paired my
         dents, the nonsense that comes out of their mouths   university students with their senior singer buddies. I
         is often hysterical. And there were wonderful things   was working on a paper at the time, so I was collect-
         about Middle School Memphis. But if I had to choose   ing data hoping to show the world that music could
         only one partnership, I think I would say the MTC   change ideas and opinions. I had been reading about
         Glee  Club, involving women in prison singing with   how older people really get sick and tired of adoles-
         buddies from the Florida State University choir (Photo   cents and college-aged folks. And college students get
         1). I believe it is fair to say that every single FSU stu-  really impatient with older people, so I planned a pre/
         dent experienced at least one epiphany while working   posttest to measure changes in attitudes. I passed out
         with individual buddies in the prison choir. We always   pre-surveys and asked the seniors to rate their feelings
         included time in the middle of rehearsal for collective   on a continuum between two adjectives (thoughtful/
         activities with students and their buddies that did not   selfish, etc.) about adolescents and university students.
         involve singing. I focused on an ABA rehearsal format   Conversely, I asked the university buddies to rate the
         (the B section was a communication circle for discus-  same scale but responding about their attitudes toward
         sions). It was truly life changing in many different ways   senior citizens. I was a bit surprised by responses (much
         for all of us.                                     more negative than expected for both groups).
            Early in this partnership, it hit me so deeply when   Across the semester of rehearsal during the B of the
         one woman in the prison choir walked up to me and   ABA format, each pair discussed assigned topics and
         said, “Dr. Bowers, I just wanna tell you I didn’t want   then analyzed together how old and young might view
         to come to choir today. You know, I wanted to sing,   things differently and perhaps some reasons why. Dur-
         but I just felt I’ve had the worst day of my life. But   ing the connection time (the B portion of rehearsal),
         I feel much better now. Our songs saved me today.”   these barriers started to break down. After the post-
         That day opened my eyes to the experience of these   test, the attitude scores were a bit higher, though not
         women and what music and this collaboration meant   by much. However, most of the seniors wrote notes on
         to them. We learn (and teach) so much              the back of their score sheets explaining to me that they
         empathy through partnerships like this             answered honestly about people in general, but their
         one. Watch a video about this partnership that     college buddies were clearly not the ones honking at
         was put together by the Gadsden Correctional       them when the stoplight turned green. They assured
         Facility. Either scan the QR code or visit         me that the FSU students were far superior than other                      young people in the world. (Of course they were not.
                                                            There are good people everywhere!) These college stu-
         That  sounds  tremendously  rewarding.  How        dents weren’t the ones revving their engines loudly or
         did that empathy impact other collaborations       speeding around them on the local roads. They had
         for you and your students?                         genuinely made some true connections through their
                                                            stories and sharing of life experiences.
            Helping  others provides reinforcement  all  on its   I will not forget the day a senior buddy responded to
         own. However, not only is contributing to others ben-  a discussion prompt about some memorable moment
         eficial, it’s the insight that occurs from having multi-  involving music that was personally important. He was
         ple people know something about others, even when   British and spoke of being in London during World
         people are simply able to accept the differences. This   War II and enduring the heavy bombing. The power
         was particularly apparent to me in the Adopt-a-Choir   was out, there was no food or water, and he sat through
         with the Senior Singers (a county funded group of se-  either stone silence or extremely loud bomb explosions.
         nior citizens who sang in a partnership choir with FSU   Police sent everyone into the  underground train  sta-
         singers). Ultimately, when they knew each other, they   tions and told them to silently stay there or risk injury

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