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more time and attention. That being said, these collab-  Memphis City Schools and the University of Mem-
        orations were aimed at powerful systemic change, thus   phis  created  a partnership  in response to a middle
        commitments on my part were in terms of years rather   school choral  music  problem.  They convinced me
        than semesters. Three  important  long-term partner-  that providing a core of strong, effective choral teach-
        ships include: 1) Florida State University/Raa Middle   ers would be a powerful contribution to the thousands
        School (instrumental and choral music education); 2)   of middle students the teachers served; I was hooked.
        Middle School Memphis (Memphis City School Dis-     So I went many, many times. (We planned it for three
        trict/University  of Memphis/Choral Clinician); 3)   years, but it turned into six years.) Honestly, it was so
        MTC Glee Club (FSU singers, Gadsden County Cor-     much harder than we all thought it would be, but I will
        rectional participants).                            go to my grave feeling deeply proud of those teachers
                                                            in Memphis. They showed up on a Friday night, from
        Did Middle School Memphis come from a need          5pm to 8pm and then again Saturday mornings until
        within your own classroom? How did that part-       noon. I’m sure not all of them loved it. They didn’t
        nership come about?                                 trust me for the longest time; I was surprised by this.
                                                            Though I already had experience teaching in a chal-
           Memphis  City Schools, which  is  an urban school   lenging at-risk school early in my own career, it was re-
        district,  had  middle  school  programs that  had  been   ally eye opening for me to once again have a first-hand
        decimated by a number of things over the years. There   view, now in a challenging urban setting. I gained so
        were thirty-seven middle schools, but only  twenty-  much insight about things to do and things not to do.
        three  had choral  music  teachers. Most were  strug-  Urban  schools  are  different  experiences  for  students
        gling,  though  four  or  five  programs  were  considered   and teachers than suburban and rural schools, whether
        quite  good.  Overall,  many  Memphis  middle  schools   all students are personally at risk or not. All three set-
        were struggling programs with teachers who were try-  tings (rural, suburban, urban) have their own unique
        ing their best but barely surviving. It had gotten to the   challenges.
        point where the high school choral programs were be-  So, can we make change through partnerships like
        ing  negatively  impacted,  and  some of  these  schools   this? Yes. Is it easy? No. Is it worthwhile? Yes. I be-
        were nationally recognized choirs.                  lieve collaborative projects and partnerships can bring
           When they first called me, I thought, “I’m in Tal-  out the very best in people. It takes patience and the
        lahassee and you’re in Memphis. This is not going to   consistency of folks fully buying in and committing to
        work.”  But  I had a  connection at  the  University of   the mutual goals of a collaboration. I left Memphis ad-
        Memphis. Dr. Nicole Robinson had been a former FSU   miring those teachers so very much. They started at
        student, and the Memphis City School District was will-  the most difficult place I could have ever imagined, but
        ing to help create a partnership that could include all   they were good people who truly cared. They had the
        three participants. Jim Holcomb was an extraordinary   support of a supervisor of music and an outstanding
        fine arts supervisor, so he and Nicole convinced me that   music education professor. The University of Memphis
        I would just have to come up to Memphis and become   played a big role in that partnership, and they managed
        the person who retrained the teachers to use effective   to pull it all together. To this day, those teachers are still
        teaching strategies in order to meet standards found in   doing great work.
        the Tennessee State music curriculum. Basically, I was
        recreating  my undergrad  FSU methods class, but  in   It may feel like choosing which child is your fa-
        smaller steps with more repetitions. Between my class   vorite, but what was your most memorable col-
        meetings, Nicole Robinson reviewed classroom man-   laboration?
        agement, pacing, teacher effectiveness, etc., as well as
        providing unlimited support through site visits to assist   Truthfully, every  partnership had some very  won-
        teachers alongside Jim Holcomb.                     derful  aspects, especially our collaboration with Raa

        CHORAL JOURNAL  October 2024                                                                                       Volume 65  Number 3            47
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