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                                 A Conversation on Collaboration with Judy Bowers

                                                   by Jeffrey Benson

                      Judy Bowers, Professor Emerita at the   it’s a win-win. It’s not a partnership if two groups or
                      Florida  State  University College  of   two people come together and one of them has all the
                      Music,  retired after  almost three  de-  power while the other does not. But if everybody wins,
                      cades. Bowers has taught music educa-  things are better, usually for everybody. It’s a very posi-
                      tion  classes and choirs, in addition  to   tive way to live life. This was my rule from the earliest
                      conducting numerous  all  state/honor   partnerships (I learned this in my counseling master’s
         choirs in the  U.S., Canada,  and Africa. A unifying   program). Each partner must benefit somewhat equal-
         principle in all these settings has been the use of De-  ly, and each has a voice in determining how the part-
         velopmental Teaching strategies, which allows singers   nership might work. If all of us have a say, then it will
         of varying skills to successfully rehearse and perform   likely be a success.
         together. Music  partnerships  between  university  stu-  My starting point is always: know thyself! It’s incred-
         dents and school/community participants have served   ibly important to know who you are and know what
         as building blocks for university students to master skills   you care about. For me, I always wanted to be a teach-
         in music teaching. In 2014, Dr. Bowers was inducted as   er. I wasn’t sure it would be music until about the ninth
         a Lowell Mason National Music Education Fellow.    grade, but always knew I’d be a teacher. In addition to
                                                            music education degrees, I also hold a master’s in guid-
                                                            ance and counseling because I had no access to gradu-
         How  did  your  career  filled  with  partnerships   ate music education study. We all know that we deal
         and collaborations get started?                    with music, but we deal with people first and foremost,
                                                            so I thought counseling was a reasonable option. If we
           First and foremost, I’m a teacher, and all  of my   start  from educating and wanting to help the  whole
         collaborations/partnerships  were a response  to some   person, then partnerships and collaborations naturally
         problem or need in my classroom. I like partnerships   come out of that, and my graduate counseling study
         because the premise of a true  collaboration is  that   was a convenient accident.

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