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so I looked to those experts to be the professional voice.   voice. If only one person is speaking up in your com-
        However, I do believe that collaborations and partner-  munity, it could truly be the most important thing in
        ships greatly increase visibility, and it helps to have more   the world, or it could be someone whining to people
        people in the community knowing what goes on in our   they don’t know, like the local school board or admin-
        music programs. For those teachers who feel invisible to   istration. But if you’ve got partnerships going, people
        administration or parents or professional music groups,   start to take notice. You’ve naturally doubled your par-
        a partnership might advance your cause.             ticipants and you have raised the volume of your voice
           I once took an Adopt-a-Choir tour with my ensem-  in your school, community, and beyond. This  allows
        ble to various community colleges in Florida, where we   individual teachers to broaden their influence, profes-
        then invited high schools to join all of us—each choir   sional leadership, mentorship, and expand horizons for
        sang individually and then we combined for three AAC   their students. Through our actions, we’re really able
        pieces. I wanted to ensure that community colleges felt   to  advocate  more  meaningfully. Advocacy naturally
        connected to a four-year school (many students transfer   comes out of the collaborative process.
        to in-state public universities), while also giving them   Advocacy is not a single person or even a group of
        an opportunity to provide services for high schools in   people using their words to say, “we need this,” or “why
        their area (on-site hosting of the partnership event).  aren’t you supporting us here?” Through the collabora-
           It’s important to think about advocacy through the   tive aspects of the partnerships we make, we are dem-
        lens of partnerships because it naturally amplifies your   onstrating  to  communities what  advocacy looks  like.

            arizona state university

                                                   Associate Professor Nathan D’Shon Myers conducts the ASU Gospel Choir.

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             Institute for Design and the Arts is home to an internationally recognized faculty,
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             musical passions and launch a successful career.

                                                          Learn more!


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        CHORAL JOURNAL  October 2024                                                                                       Volume 65  Number 3            51
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