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Call for Research Poster Sessions  2

             The submission form will also ask if this is your first time submitting to the research poster session as well

           as if you are a member of a historically marginalized group. These questions, in an effort toward equity and
           inclusion, will have no bearing in the blind review process, but will help ensure that emerging scholars as well
           as scholarship from diverse perspectives appear on the national research program.
             Presenters must be current members of ACDA, and all persons whose work is selected for inclusion on the
           program are expected to register for the conference. It is understood that ACDA will not assume fi nancial
           responsibility for travel, food, or lodging for poster session presenters. Your submission implies that you are
           prepared to travel and present at the conference if accepted.

           4. The submission must be submitted to our online portal, Submittable, by October 19, 2022.
                Extensions will not be granted. You can access the submission portal by visiting:

           5. All submissions will be blind peer-reviewed by a committee of scholars. Applicants will be

           notified of the status of their submission via email by December 1, 2022.

        An example of  poster session boards from the 2019 National Conference in Kansas City.

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