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Call for Research Poster Sessions

                                                      2023 ACDA National Conference
                                                      Cincinnati, Ohio
                                                      February 22-25, 2023

              The American Choral Directors Association will sponsor a research session at the national conference
           in Cincinnati, Ohio, February 22–25, 2023. The intent of the research poster session is to bring current
           research to light that impacts and informs our profession and to encourage our colleagues in the choral
           world to stay in touch with research in choral music. We want to showcase the scholarship that is currently
           being done, including studies focusing on rehearsal techniques, performance practice, repertoire choice,
           or trends within the choral field. Of particular interest are papers about repertoire, performance practice,

           conducting pedagogy, rehearsal pedagogy, vocal development, critical editions, theoretical analysis that
           impacts performance, and research on vocal or compositional practices in contemporary choral music.
              A poster session is a research report format used widely in the natural and social sciences, and
           increasingly in the humanities. Your poster should be a single full-color document (no larger than 36” x 48”
           inches in size) and light enough to be pinned on the display board with push pins.  The conference venue
           will have pins available.

           1. Abstracts submitted for presentation must comply with the following guidelines:

           (a) If the data have been presented in whole or substantive part in any forum or at previous research
           sessions, a statement specifying particulars of the above must be included with the submission; and papers
           presented at other conferences will be considered only if the audience was substantially different (e.g., a

           state meeting or a university symposium). A statement specifying particulars of past presentation and venue
           must be included with the submission.

           (b) The paper may have been submitted but must not be in print or in press prior to the submission
           deadline of the conference.

           2. The research may be of any type, but a simple review of literature will not be considered
           for presentation. Manuscript style of articles representing descriptive, quantitative, or qualitative studies
           must conform to the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (7th edition, 2020).
           Authors of other types of studies (e.g., historical, theoretical) may submit manuscripts that conform to
           either A Manual for Writers of  Term Papers, Theses, and Dissertations (K. L. Turabian, 8th edition, 2013) or The
           Chicago Manual of  Style (16th edition, 2003).

           3. The following items are required for submission: An abstract of no more than 3000 characters
           (including references) summarizing your research purpose, method, results, discussion, and implications.
           The name(s) or affiliation(s) of anyone involved in the submission must not appear in the abstract.

           Incomplete submissions (e.g., those discussing proposed research without any findings) will be rejected.

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