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National Election

         President-Elect Candidates

          Winner to take office July 1, 2023

                      Brian Galante is Chair of the Depart-                Pearl Shangkuan is a highly sought-af-
                      ment of Music and Director of Choral                 ter conductor, lecturer, and clinician

                      Studies at Pacific Lutheran Universi-                 who has led performances and work-
                      ty in Tacoma, WA. During his time at                 shops across six continents. Director
                      PLU, Galante has conducted Choir of                  of Choral Activities and Professor of
                      the West, Chorale, University Singers                Music at Calvin University in Grand
         (SA), and Knights Chorus (TB), and taught undergrad-  Rapids, Michigan, she is also the chorus director of the
         uate courses in vocal pedagogy, choral repertoire, and   Grand Rapids Symphony, a Grammy-nominated pro-
         rehearsal.                                          fessional orchestra. Recently appointed as the editor of
           Galante received the DMA degree in Choral Con-    Hinshaw Music, Shangkuan also has a signature choral
         ducting from the University of North Texas, and MM   series with earthsongs, and is the music editor of the
         and BME degrees from Louisiana State University. Pre-  Calvin Institute of Christian Worship choral series pub-
         vious choral appointments include Visiting Associate   lished by GIA.
         Director of Choral Studies at LSU; Doctoral Teaching   In 2014, she was an invited guest lecturer at the
         Fellow at UNT; Director of Choral Music at Highland   World Symposium for Choral Music held in Seoul,
         Park High School (Dallas, TX); and Director of Choirs   South Korea. Dr. Shangkuan has served on the jury
         at Episcopal High School (Baton Rouge, LA).         of several international choral competitions in Europe
           Choirs under Galante’s direction have off ered per-  and Asia and has led conducting masterclasses for the
         formances for the 2010 Washington Music Educators   ACDA national conference, Chorus America confer-
         Association Conference; the 2011 Northwest MENC     ences, the University of Michigan and the University of
         Conference; and 2012 and 2022 NW Region ACDA        Illinois Choral Conducting Symposium, among many
         Conferences. He has conducted honor choirs at all lev-  institutions and organizations in the United States. She
         els, and led workshops on conducting pedagogy, voice   has conducted numerous all-state choirs, ACDA region
         science, and repertoire. Galante’s compositions are pub-  honor choirs, and choral festivals nationally and inter-
         lished by Galante Music, Walton, and Colla Voce, and   nationally, and has headlined several ACDA state and
         have been performed by choirs worldwide. His works   other professional conferences. Upcoming engagements
         have recorded for commercial release by Delos, Centaur   include conducting the SSAA honor choir at the ACDA
         Records, and MSR Classic. He is the recipient of multi-  National Conference, returning to conduct at Carnegie
         ple ASCAP Plus awards and a regular composer-in-res-  Hall, an international choral festival in Italy and other
         idence for the Taylor Festival Choir (Charleston, SC).  ACDA conference and festival engagements.
           Galante has previously served ACDA as president of   She serves on the Board of Directors of Chorus
         Louisiana ACDA (2001-2003), on the National Tech-   America and has served as president of the ACDA
         nology Committee (2007-2011), Honor Choir Perfor-   Central Region and Michigan ACDA. She has commis-
         mance Site Chair (Oklahoma City, 2009), Northwest-  sioned and premiered numerous choral works, and her
         ern Region Conference Program Chair (Seattle, 2010;   choirs have performed at ACDA national, region, and
         Portland, 2018), Transportation Coordinator (Chicago,   state conferences. In 2020, she received a Calvin Uni-
         2011), Associate Conference Chair (Dallas, 2013), and   versity Award for Excellence in Teaching and previously
         Northwestern Region President (2018-2020). He is also   received the Grand Rapids YWCA Arts Tribute Award.
         a member of the American Society for Composers, Au-  In 2013, Michigan ACDA honored her with the May-
         thors, and Publishers (ASCAP), the National Collegiate   nard Klein Choral Award for “artistic excellence and
         Choral Organization (NCCO), and the Washington      lifetime leadership in choral music.”
         Music Educators Association.

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