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To belong is to be heard, understood, seen, and               HONOR CHOIRS
             valued—to be a thriving and vital member of                   Elementary
             the chorus of humanity. Join us in Cincinnati                 Fernando Malvar-Ruiz
             (in person!) to celebrate our diversity and our
             affinities, while we inspire each other to create a           JH/MS

                                                                           Andrea Ramsey
             greater Place of Belonging.
                                                                           HS Mixed
                                                                           Eugene Rogers
                                          IMMERSION CHOIRS                 HS Treble
          The May Festival Chorus                                          Pearl Shangkuan
          & Cincinnati Symphony
                                          Immersion Choir
          Orchestra                                                        AMAZING VENUES
                                          Maria Guinand, conductor
          Juanjo Mena, conductor
                                                                           Cincinnati Music Hall
          featuring a world premiere
                                          Black Diaspora
          by James Lee III                                                 Aronoff  Center Theaters
                                          Immersion Choir
                                          Donald Dumpson, conductor  Isaac M. Wise Temple
          The Jason Max Ferdinand

          Singers                         Indigenous People’s              Duke Energy
                                                                           Convention Center
                                          Immersion Choir
          The Crossing                    Jace Saplan, conductor           for all interest sessions,
          Donald Nally, conductor                                          exhibits, and publisher
          featuring the premiere of       Jazz                             showcases

          the Brock Commission by         Immersion Choir
          Jennifer Higdon                 Matt Falker, conductor

        CHORAL JOURNAL  October 2022                                                                           Volume 63  Number 3            45
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