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Research Report

                Bryan E. Nichols, editor

                            Culturally Responsive, Relevant, and Sustaining Pedagogies:
            An Introduction to Seminal Contributions and Selected Empirical Studies in Choral Singing

                                                   by Julia T. Shaw

           While choral singing in American schools has     are intended to be responsive to or informed by indi-
        historically been based on Eurocentric paradigms,   viduals’ cultural backgrounds and identities, including
        teacher-conductors are increasingly seeking pedagogical   those that are the focus of this column.  The scholars
        approaches that prioritize and meaningfully build   who coined these terms have used them in nuanced
        upon culturally diverse learners’ ways of knowing   ways to refer to precise concepts, and they are not di-
        about and engaging with music. Chief among these    rectly synonymous or interchangeable. One common-
        are culturally responsive, relevant, and sustaining   ality that culturally responsive, relevant, and sustaining
        pedagogies—approaches to teaching that developed    pedagogy share is that they are asset-based approaches
        in the broader realm of general education that hold   to pedagogy. This means that the knowledge, experienc-
        transformative possibilities for choral education.   es, languages, literacies, and ways of being that Black,
        As the choral profession works to incorporate these   Brown, Indigenous, and Asian students bring to their
        pedagogical approaches, it is essential to understand the   education are honored, respected, and treated as valu-
        premises underlying them, distinctions between them,   able bases for learning.
        and ways that they complement and build upon one      These pedagogical approaches are not intended to

        another. In this column, I provide definitions for each   serve as a recipe or a prescription for practice. They

        and summarize some of their central tenets, drawing on   offer broad principles that can guide teachers’ eff orts

        contributions from scholars who originated these terms   to tailor their approach for specific individuals situated
        and approaches. I then highlight examples of research   within particular school, community, and broader cul-
        studies that explore these topics within choral music   tural contexts. Accordingly, culturally responsive, rele-
        settings.                                           vant, and sustaining pedagogy will not be approached
           The term  culture “encompasses worldview, thought   identically within each choral classroom, but instead will

        patterns, epistemological stances, ethics, and ways of   be designed specifically for particular learners. Consid-
        being along with the tangible and readily identifi able   ering the vital role of singing within many of the world’s
        components of human groups.”  Culture is  fl uid  and   cultures, and the potential for singing to serve as a means

        dynamic, and while individuals are shaped by culture,   of cultural expression, choral ensembles offer ideal con-
        they also hold agency in shaping culture.  Several terms   texts in which to pursue these approaches to teaching.
        have been used to refer to approaches to teaching that

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