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Lesser-Known or Infrequently-Performed Choral Works of

            establishing its successful cachet. Compiled from Frank   between Schütz’ spontaneous vocal structures and
            Howes, The Later Works of  R. Vaughan Williams (Oxford:   the symphonic choral works of later centuries (most
            Oxford University Press, 1937); Michael Kennedy, A   notably those of Brahms such as the  Requiem and
            Catalogue of  the Works of  Ralph Vaughan Williams, rev. ed.   Gesang der Parzen), Parry felt the desire to assimilate the
            (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1982), 125; Michael   devotional solemnity of this style of vocal music into
            Kennedy, The Works of  Ralph Vaughan Williams (Oxford:   his own choral meditations.” Jeremy Dibble, C. Hubert
            Oxford University Press, 1964), 225-226; Charles    H. Parry: His Life and Music (Oxford: Oxford University
            Edward McGuire, “‘An Englishman and a democrat’:    Press, 1992), 397.
            Vaughan Williams, large choral works, and the British   10  H. L. Hubbard, Benedicite: A Devotional Commentary on the Song
            festival tradition,” in The Cambridge Companion to Vaughan   of  the Three Children (London: A. R. Mowbray & Co.
            Williams, eds. Alain Frogley and Aidan J. Thomson   Ltd., 1924), 3 and 11.
            (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2013), 121;   11  The reader is referred to the published scores, vocal
            Percy M. Young,  Vaughan Williams (London: Dennis   (Oxford University Press, 1929) and full (Oxford
            Dobson, 1953), 67; and Percy M. Young, A History of    University Press, 1970).
            British Music  (London: Ernest Benn Limited, 1967),   12  Michael Kennedy, A Catalogue of  the Works of  Ralph Vaughan
            549-550.                                            Williams, rev. ed. (London: Oxford University Press,
        8  The series of “ethical cantatas” occupied Parry from   1982), 202: “THE SONS OF LIGHT. A Cantata
            1902 until 1908, the set of six being  War and Peace   for mixed chorus (SATB) and orchestra. Composed
            (Symphonic Ode [3 April 1903, Royal Choral Society,   in 1950. Poem by Ursula Wood (Ursula Vaughan
            Albert Hall]), Voces Clamantium (Motet [10 September   Williams). ‘In the musical setting of this poem the
            1903, Hereford Festival]),  The Love That Casteth Out   composer has, with the leave of the author, made a
            Fear  (Sinfonia Sacra [7 September 1904, Gloucester   few verbal alterations.’ I. Darkness and Light. Allegro
            Festival]),  The Soul’s Ransom (Sinfonia Sacra [12   maestoso—allegro alla Marcia—tranquillo—allegro moderato.
            September 1906, Hereford Festival]), The Vision of  Life  II. The Song of the Zodiac. Allegretto pesante. III. The
            (A Symphonic Poem [26 September 1907, Cardiff        Messengers of Speech. Maestoso—maestoso alla marcia…”
            Festival]), and Beyond These Voices There Is Peace (Motet [9   13  Ursula Vaughan Williams,  R.V.W.: A Biography of  Ralph
            September 1908, Worcester Festival]). All six are scored   Vaughan Williams (London: Oxford University Press,
            for soprano, baritone, chorus and orchestra, with the   1964), 308-309.
            exception of The Love That Casteth Out Fear, where Parry   14  Please consult the vocal score: Ralph Vaughan Williams,
            substitutes a contralto for the soprano. In duration, all   The Sons of  Light, A Cantata for Chorus and Orchestra,
            but one last between 45 and 75 minutes approximately;   rev. ed. (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1957), ii-v.
            Voces Clamantium is under 30 minutes. Parry penned   15  Kennedy, Catalogue, p. 105. See, as well, chapter seven in
            the free-verse text for War and Peace and for The Vision of    Michael Kennedy, The Works of  Ralph Vaughan Williams
            Life; for the others, he grouped texts from the Bible with   (Oxford, 1964), and chapter nine in Ursula Vaughan
            some original lines of his own to devise the narratives.  Williams, R.V.W.: A Biography of  Ralph Vaughan Williams
         9  At the end of the nineteenth century, Parry attempted to   (Oxford, 1964). Flos campi is properly indexed in the
            create a new choral-orchestral form from seventeeth-  “instrumental soloist with orchestra” category, as is
            century models, which resulted in the aforementioned.   Fantasia (subsequently discussed).
            Indeed, two of these—The Love that Casteth out Fear  16  Howes, The Later Works of  R. Vaughan Williams, pp. 8 and 10.
            (1904) and The Soul’s Ransom (1906)—are both styled   17  Howes, p. 7. Howes continues: “He has therefore scored
            “Sinfonia Sacra.” As Jeremy Dibble writes: “This    it for an orchestra in which every instrument retains its

            description clearly relates to the vocal and instrumental   individual flavor to the utmost. One each of the wind
            forms—the Symphoniae Sacrae—of…Baroque composers    makes an ensemble in which the individual  fl avors
            such as Giovanni Gabrieli, and more signifi cantly his   are never submerged in the ordinary orchestral tutti.
            German pupil, Heinrich Schütz. Aware of the links   There is a representative battery of the more exotic

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