Page 63 - CJMarch_April25
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Music of Life B. E. Boykin Oxford SSA, SAB Fully accompanied to support overall performance with
University limited vocal ranges
Unison beginning theme with all voices at the beginning
(mm. 1-8)
Individual lines highlight in solo form for solo-sectional
singing (mm. 19-20)
Accessible method for teaching compound time
O Magnum Mysterium Evan Ramos Carl Fisher/ SATB, SSA, Unison beginning pitch for entire ensemble to start
BriLee Music SAB, TTB sections with limited vocal ranges
Homorhythmic movement with pulse-driven
uncomplicated rhythmic figures throughout
Accessible vehicle for singing non-English text and pure
Largely diatonic allowing for solfege use in learning
Sing Out, My Soul! Marques L. A. Beckenhorst SATB, SSA Fully accompanied to support overall performance
Garrett Press
Unison singing of the main theme shared across all
sections and call-and-response of the theme between
upper and lower voices (mm. 16-28, 40-44)
Homorhythmic movement with pulse-driven uncompli-
cated rhythmic figures
TaReKiTa Reena Esmail Oxford SATB, SSAA, Unison beginning pitch for the entire ensemble
University TTBB with uncomplicated rhythmic figures throughout
Unison shared theme between dual voices (mm. 17-30)
in addition to being an accessible
Onomatopoeic text syllables provide an accessible
avenue for performing non- English text
The Word Was God Rosephanye Gentry SATB, Written with optional accompaniment and limited vocal
Powell Publications SATB-divisi, ranges
TTB/TTBB Shared homorhythmic movement shared between
soprano/alto and tenor bass voices throughout
Pulse-driven rhythmic figures with strong ostinato fig-
ures shared with all voices throughout the selection
CHORAL JOURNAL March/April 2025 Volume 65 Number 7 61