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ACDA Archives at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign: Not-So-Hidden Treasures
A CD A A r chiv es a t the U niv ersit y of Illinois Urbana- C hampaig n: N ot-S o -Hidden T r easur es
by Hilary Apfelstadt
Record Group 8: Record Group 13:
Charles C. Hirt Papers, Robert Shaw Collection,
1923–2001 1954–2005
Record Group 9: Record Group 14:
Walter S. Collins Papers, Robert and Ellis Snyder Choral Library
1940–1996 and Personal Papers,
Record Group 10:
Elaine Brown Music and Papers, Record Group 15:
1880–2005 Small Collections,
Record Group 11:
Fred Waring Collection, Each group number on the website includes a link,
1937–1997 which leads to a very detailed list of contents of boxes
and their folders. For example, clicking on the link for
Record Group 12: “Record Group 15” yields the following information:
F. Melius Christiansen Choral Scores,
yale glee club
Jeffrey Douma, Musical Director
2025 Emerging Composers Competition
First Prize: $1500 plus travel expenses to New Haven for attendance
at premiere performance by the Yale Glee Club during its 2025-26 concert season;
possible future publication in Yale Glee Club New Classics Choral Series
Compositions for mixed choir (SATB, divisi possible), unaccompanied with keyboard,
or with instrumental accompaniment of not more than three individual instruments
For full details and submission info, please visit:
Submission Deadline: May 1, 2025
Yale Glee Club New Classics Choral Series
A source for new music that will engage your singers and your audiences
Dominick Argento Cristian Grases Jocelyn Hagen James Macmillan Michael Gilbertson
Eric Banks Dale Trumbore Jeffrey Douma Dominick DiOrio Kathleen Allan Brandon Waddles
CHORAL JOURNAL March/April 2025 Volume 65 Number 7 65