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Lift E                 ve       r    y Vo              i  ce
                         Lift Every Voice

                                             Accessible and Beautiful:
                    Reflections from Our 2023 ACDA National Conference Insight Session

                                                by Edryn J. Coleman

           When we were invited to present an insight choir   erful reminder that diversity in choral music is not just
         session at the 2023 National Conference, I knew it was   important—it is essential. This experience reinforced
         an incredible opportunity to showcase the hard work of   my belief that all choirs have something valuable to of-
         our students and the diversity of our choral program   fer.  My hope in documenting this journey is to inspire
         within the overall school community at Oakland Mills   others to share their own stories and take the challenge
         High School in Columbia,  Maryland. Our  choir re-  to submit a proposal for the next regional or national
         flects a rich tapestry of backgrounds and cultures and   conference session themselves, thereby engaging with
         embodied the 2023 Conference theme, “A Place of Be-  the broader choral community.
           The Oakland Mills community is among the most
         diverse school communities within the Howard Coun-          Session Structure and Goals
         ty, Maryland, Public School System with 80% minori-  Through a multi-faceted experience that was part
         ty enrollment: 44.4% Black, 20.8% Hispanic, 19.7%   reading  session, part  teaching session,  all  within the
         White, 7.2% Asian, and 7.7% two or more races. The   context of an honest conversation, the overall  goal
         ethnic percentages of the singers reflect the diversity   of our session was to contribute to our diverse choral
         of our school and the community at large. Our singers   community in the following ways:
         are Christian, Muslim, atheist, and open members of
         the LGBTQIA+ community. At a time when people      1) Address the  need  for more  accessible  SATB/SAB
         who felt unseen were given a voice, I felt strongly that   choral  music  that  offers  multiple  opportunities  for
         the timing was right and that our choral program was   building and teaching music  skills  and an impactful
         the  physical manifestation  of the  conference  theme   performance experience.
         through our collaboration and representation.
           Through perseverance and dedication, our students   2) Address the need for more diverse music composed
         demonstrated that every choir, regardless of perceived   and arranged by minoritized choral musicians.
         obstacles, has a place at ACDA. Their success is a pow-

        CHORAL JOURNAL March/April 2025                                                                                   Volume 65  Number 7           57
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