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         ACDA Archives at the
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         University of Illinois
         Univ      ersit     y of Illinois
         Urbana-           C  hampaig             n:
         Not-So-Hidden Treasures
         by Hilary Apfelstadt

           In January 2022, the Sousa Archives and Center for   many decades  ago,  and  holds research potential  for
        American Music, housed at the University of Illinois   contemporary scholars interested in the history of our
        Urbana-Champaign (UIUC), acquired archival mate-    field and, in particular, the musical approaches of these
        rial from the American Choral Directors Association’s   luminaries.
        (ACDA) national office in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.    When  I  started  working  at  ACDA  in  September
        Prior to that time, I served as ACDA’s interim executive   2020, the archives were housed on the second floor of
        director from September 2020 to September 2021, and   the national office building in Oklahoma City. At one
        one of my responsibilities was to help direct the dispo-  point we had a full-time archivist, Dr. Christina Prucha,
        sition of materials housed in the national headquarters.   now head  of collection  services at  the  University of
        Not only were they taking up valuable space, but they   Portland Library, who did a wonderful job cataloging
        were somewhat inaccessible to researchers. It occurred   and organizing the materials. It was she who provid-
        to the Executive Committee at the time that at least   ed the index we shared with the University of Illinois
        some of the holdings should be in a university library   archivist, Scott Schwartz, when we proposed sending
        where they would be safely stored yet accessible to peo-  them to the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign,
        ple interested in the materials.                    and that index proved very helpful. After Christina left
           In addition to records of national conferences and   ACDA, there was no full-time archivist hired, and the
        correspondence with regions, as well as multiple cop-  work was absorbed tangentially into the jobs of oth-
        ies of past Choral Journals, ACDA had received items   er employees. We continued to acquire materials from
        from the estates of outstanding choral leaders such as   conferences, issues of the Choral Journal, and occasional
        Elaine Brown, Walter Collins, Harold Decker, Colleen   donations, but without one person overseeing things,
        Kirk, Robert Shaw, and Fred Waring, among others.   the archives were in limbo of sorts.
        Among the documents were examples of teaching ma-      As a former member of the Research and Publi-
        terials such as syllabi for conducting and choral litera-  cations Committee, I was determined that we not lose
        ture courses, marked scores used for personal analysis   valuable  archival  materials,  and  in  October  2020,
        and teaching purposes, copies of concert programs,   sought the advice of Dr. Marvin Latimer, the author
        and performing editions. Looking at the materials in   of Excellence in Choral Music: A History of  the American Cho-
        person provides fascinating insights into the minds of   ral Directors Association (Hinshaw Music Pub.), and Dr.
        some of the American choral profession’s leaders from   John Silantien, then chair of the Research & Publica-

        CHORAL JOURNAL March/April 2025                                                                                   Volume 65  Number 7           63
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