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                                               CALL FOR MEMBERS

         ACDA is seeking Research & Publications members. All interested and qualified individuals are invited to
         submit a curriculum vitae and brief remarks (2 paragraphs or less) on why you are interested in this role
         to Jessica Nápoles, Research & Publications Chair, by Tuesday, April 15, 2025.

         About the Research & Publications Committee

         The Research & Publications National Standing Committee works to encourage scholarship in the field
         of choral music at all levels (historical, quantitative, qualitative, musicological, philosophical, etc.). Some
         of its activities include: overseeing the International Journal of Research in Choral Singing, including vot-
         ing on members of the Editorial Board; planning of the Symposium on Research in Choral Singing;
         encouraging submissions for the research poster session for the national conference; facilitating and
         recognizing research productivity through grants/funding and awards.

         In addition to being committed to choral music education, successful applicants will demonstrate a
         sustained level of research productivity, with inquiry related to choral music. Candidates should have
         demonstrated experience in leadership at the local, state, region, or national level of their respective
         districts, regions, places of worship, schools, or communities, including service on editorial boards, as
         research chairs, etc. The desirable candidate has a record of publications and presentations of their own
         original research at state, regional, and national conferences/journals.

         About Standing Committee Membership

         ACDA Standing Committees Members are appointed for a two-year term, renewable twice, for a total of
         six years. Appointments are made by recommendation from the Committee to the Executive Committee
         of ACDA. The first term begins on July 1, 2025.


         Please email your CV and letter of application by Tuesday, April 15, 2025
         Jessica Nápoles (

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