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                                           Alphabetical Listing of Interest Sessions
                          2025            2025 ACDA National Conference                                                                    March 18-22, 2025                                                                 Dallas, Texas
                                              Interest Sessions (Open to Both Tracks) )
                                                                       oth T
                                                               pen t
                       March 18-22 Dallas, TX  In t er est S essions

                                                                        Dustin S. Cates is a teacher, conductor,
              Preparing and Performing Extended Choral                  singer, and researcher who  is  passionate
                       Works for Social Justice                         about  building  meaningful  relationships
                                                                        with people through music. Cates is assis-
              A Joint Initiative by the National Diversity              tant professor of choral music education
                Initiatives Committee and the National      at Temple University, where he conducts the University
                 Composition Initiatives Committee          Chorale and teaches courses in music education, cho-
                                                            ral/vocal pedagogy and choral methods. He currently
                                                            serves as National ACDA R&R Chair for Tenor-Bass
                                                            choral ensembles and is past president of the Kansas
                    Thursday 4:45 pm - 5:30 pm              Choral Directors Association. Cates considers his most
         National Shrine Cathedral of Our Lady of Guadalupe   important roles to be husband to Raymond Cattaneo
                           Grand Salon                      and father to their son, Emmaus.

                                                                        G. Preston Wilson, Jr., PhD, is the musi-
           While it has become more common for choral direc-            cal director of the Fisk  Jubilee  Singers
         tors to program repertoire that addresses issues of social     and assistant professor of music  at Fisk
         justice, a deficit remains in our understanding of how         University. His research includes urban
         choral  directors and their  communities  responsively         music educational  experiences, race  re-
         and thoughtfully prepare and perform extended choral   lations in music education, and practical applications
         works for social justice. In this session, presenters will   of diversity, equity, and inclusion. Prior to his current
         share findings and key aspects of a large-scale research   position, he was the assistant professor of music educa-
         study involving three different university’s preparation   tion at Westminster Choir College of Rider University.
         and performance of extended choral works, specifically   He also serves as the Diversity Initiatives Chair for the
         Rollo  Dilworth’s  Weather, Craig  Hella  Johnson’s  Con-  Tennessee American Choral Directors Association.
         sidering Matthew Shepard, and Andrea Ramsey’s Suffrage
         Cantata. Singer and conductor perspectives on rehearsal
         considerations, context-building discussions, and com-
         munity-specific  needs  will  be  shared  to  propel  future   Recruiting and Retaining Singers:
                                                                 Building the Present, Planning the Future

                    Elizabeth Cassidy Parker, PhD, is professor
                    of music education at the Boyer College
                    of Music and Dance at Temple University.          Wednesday 3:30 pm - 4:20 pm
                    Prior to her work at Temple, Parker taught   National Shrine Cathedral of Our Lady of Guadalupe
                    at the Schwob School of Music at Colum-                     Sanctuary
         bus State University and held PreK-12 school positions
         in New York, Nebraska, and Georgia. An active choral
         conductor, Parker leads Commonwealth Youth Choir,     As choral directors, we are always exploring ways
         a community-based program in Philadelphia. Her re-  to recruit and retain singers in the ensembles. When
         search interests include adolescent musical identity and   growing choral programs in all settings, it is helpful to
         issues  of preservice  music  teacher  identity. Published   consider the following three opportunities: 1) explor-
         widely nationally and internationally, Parker is the sole   ing or modifying program structure to meet the needs
         author of Adolescents on Music (Oxford University Press).   of the community/school; 2) identifying and connect-

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