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2022 ACDA Southern Region Conference

                                    Special Events
                                    Special   E v en ts

        ble, the Symphonic Choir primarily performs choral  Florida ACDA, and Florida MEA.
        masterworks with orchestra. The Chamber Choir had
        its debut during the 1996-97 season and performs works         Timothy Peter is a professor of music at
        ranging in style from the Renaissance to contemporary.         Stetson University and director of choral
                                                                       activities. He received his undergraduate
                    Alfred E. Sturgis currently serves as mu-          degree from Luther College and complet-
                    sic director of the North Carolina Mas-            ed his MM and DMA at the University of
                    ter Chorale, the Carolina Ballet, and the  Arizona. Peter has held positions as an ACDA region
                    Tar River Orchestra. Sturgis has served as  R&R Chair for college and universities and the state
                    guest conductor for the New York City Bal-  and region chair for men’s choirs. His choirs were se-
        let at Lincoln Center, North Carolina Symphony, Win-  lected to perform at National ACDA in 2011 and 2017,
        ston-Salem Symphony, Carolina Chamber Orchestra,  four NC-ACDA conferences, Florida MEA, and Florida
        Raleigh Civic Symphony, National Opera Company,  ACDA.
        Capital Opera, Long Leaf Opera, and North Carolina
        Theatre. He has conducted orchestral and opera perfor-
        mances in France, Bulgaria, and China.
                                                                      Meet the Composer: Dan Forrest

                                                              In this featured 90-minute session, Dan Forrest will
                         Stetson University                 discuss the creative process and behind-the-scenes de-
                           Concert Choir                    tails for his major work, Jubilate Deo (performed the pre-
                                                            vious night during the President’s Concert). The second
                                                            half of the session will include Forrest presenting some
                                                            of his newest works and accompanying read-throughs
                                                            (free perusal copies of all music will be provided to at-
                                                            tendees), as well as open Q&A with the audience.

                                                                       Dan Forrest (b. 1978) has been described
                                                                       as having “an undoubted gift for writing
                                                                       beautiful music….that is truly magical”
                                                                       (NY Concert Review), with works hailed

                                                                       as “magnificent, very cleverly constructed
                                                            sound sculpture” (Classical Voice) and  “superb writing…
                                                            full of spine-tingling moments” (Salt Lake Tribune).  In
                                                            the last decade, Forrest’s music has become well estab-
           The Stetson University Concert Choir is one of four  lished in the repertoire of choirs in the United States
        choral ensembles in the Stetson School of Music, the  and abroad, through both smaller works and his major
        oldest School of Music in Florida. The choir is a high-  works Requiem for the Living (2013), Jubilate Deo (2016), and
        ly selective touring ensemble comprising 56 vocalists.  Lux: The Dawn From On High (2018). He holds graduate
        The Concert Choir has appeared in performances and  degrees in composition and piano performance.
        workshops for NCCO, Southern ACDA Region, and the
        MEA National Conference. The group has appeared at
        numerous conventions of the Florida Vocal Association,

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