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2022 ACDA Eastern Region Conference

                                           Concert Choirst Choirs

                       Roxbury High School                      The State University of New York at Fredonia

                      Classic Sounds Honors                              Fredonia Chamber Choir

          Classic Sounds Honors is the top curricular choir at
        Roxbury High School and receives honors credit. The
        40-member ensemble rehearses for 75 minutes per class
        in an alternate day block schedule with director Pat-  The Fredonia Chamber Choir is the premiere choral
        rick Hachey and assistant director Krista Sweer. Clas-  ensemble in the School of Music at The State University
        sic Sounds Honors has been selected to perform at two   of New York at Fredonia. The 24 members are audi-
        NAfME Eastern Division Conferences, and this year   tioned from approximately 150 voice area majors. The
        marks the fourth time Classic Sounds has appeared at   choir tours regularly and serves as educational and musi-
        an Eastern ACDA Region Conference. Classic Sounds   cal ambassadors for the School of Music and the univer-
        Honors has received Superior ratings at every festival it   sity. Recently the choral program at SUNY Fredonia has
        has attended for the past 30 years.                 hosted Hilary Apfelstadt, Gregory Gentry, Stacey Gibbs,
                                                            William Powell, and William Weinert for residencies.
                    Patrick Hachey, director of choral activi-

                    ties/lead teacher for the performing arts,         Vernon Huff is director of choral activi-
                    is in his 17th year at Roxbury High School.        ties and associate professor of choral mu-
                    He holds a BME and an MM from Indi-                sic education at SUNY Fredonia, where
                    ana University. His ensembles have been            he teaches conducting, choral methods,
        selected to perform at ACDA and NAfME Conferences.             directs the Chamber Choir and Master-
        Hachey has conducted the 2017 NJ All-State Mixed    works Chorus, coordinates the MM-choral conducting

        Choir, the 2008 NJ Region I Mixed Choir, and the 2013   program, and oversees a program of five choirs and 300

                                                            students. Huff earned a BM from Furman University,
        NJ Region II Women’s Choir. He has been on the NJAC-  an MM at the Ohio State University, and DMA at Ari-
        DA Board for 15 years, currently serving as treasurer.  zona State University. Huff is a National Board certifi ed


        16       CHORAL JOURNAL  January 2022                                                 Volume 62  Number 5
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