Page 151 - Jan.indd
P. 151
March 9-12, 2022 Spokane, Washington
Linn-Benton Community College Meadowdale High School
Chamber Choir Impressions
Meadowdale High School’s Impressions have been
considered pioneers in vocal jazz education at the high
school level since their founding by Bob Burton in 1963.
The Linn-Benton Community College Chamber Performing at several concerts and jazz festivals through-
Choir is an auditioned vocal ensemble that performs out the Pacifi c Northwest each year, Impressions have
literature from a wide array of composers, especially been invited to present Concert Hour performances at
those traditionally underrecognized in the choral canon. multiple WMEA state conferences, NAfME Northwest
Our concerts explore societal issues including previous conferences, and Northwestern ACDA region confer-
performances on immigration and gun violence. This ences. Impressions was recently recognized as the win-
ensemble has represented LBCC in several festivals and ner of a Downbeat Magazine Student Music Award.
competitions both domestically and internationally. In
2021 the ensemble received Gold in the Vocal Ensem- Jeff Horenstein is the choir director at
ble category of the WYCCAA Virtual Festival based in Meadowdale High School in Lynnwood,
Hong Kong. Washington. He has worked as a perform-
er and clinician throughout North America
Raymund Ocampo serves as performing and Europe, and is a founding member of
arts department chair and director of cho- the award-winning contemporary vocal group Groove
ral studies at Linn-Benton Community For Thought. His choirs have received performance in-
College. At Linn-Benton, he conducts the vitations to several state and regional conferences, and
Chamber Choir, Concert Choir, and teach- in 2019, Horenstein was recognized by the CMA Foun-
es conducting. He also serves as associate conductor of dation as a Music Teacher of Excellence. He earned a
the Corvallis Repertory Singers. Previously, he served as BME and an MM from Central Washington University.
the Bonita L. Bass Memorial Assistant Conductor for
the Master Chorale of Tampa Bay. Ocampo received an
MM at the University of South Florida and received a
BM from Concordia College.
CHORAL JOURNAL January 2022 Volume 62 Number 5 149