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           3 Anyone Can Improvise!          as  an  incubator for  change-agent   Colleen McNickle, presenter
          An Essential Guide to Solo/Group   thinking, addressing the issues that
          Improvisation                     intellectually, physically, and socially   Vincent Oakes, presider
                                            impact the Black community. This
          Duke Energy CC 2nd Floor          session traces the development of   Past President, Southern Region
          South Meeting Rooms 263-264       the soundtrack of the Black church
                                            and offers a grounded and practical
            How does one introduce impro-   approach to performance practice,   10:00 AM - 10:50 AM
          visation to a choir and to individual   gesture, programming, and choral
          singers? This session will answer that   pedagogy. Attendees will actively en-  Exhibitor’s Showcase
          question and many more through a   gage in singing and conducting, with
          series of specific exercises and tech-  examples expertly demonstrated by  Chorus America
          niques that will provide the tools to   a lab choir of conference attendees.  Duke Energy CC 2nd Floor
          successfully integrate improvisation
          into their choral classroom. All par-  Arreon A. Harley-Emerson, presenter   Meeting Rooms 260-262
          ticipants will leave this session with
          an improvisation guidebook that   Noel Archambeault, presider        Building healthy choral organiza-
          will  include  many  solo  and  group   Member, National Standing    tions.
          improvisation exercises (including   Committee for Diversity Initiatives
          those introduced in the session) as                                   10:00AM - 11:15 AM
          well as an introduction to jazz theory
          with examples of chords/scale rela-  5  TikTok and Choir:
          tionships and basic jazz piano chord                                  Collegiate Student
          voicing techniques.               An Unexpected Pairing               Conductor's Institute
                                            Duke Energy CC 2nd Floor            Undergraduate
          Tim Brent, presenter              North Meeting Rooms 201-204         Conducting Masterclass

          Cara Tasher, presider                This interactive session will ex-  Live-streaming sponsored by
          State Past President, Florida     plore the unexpected and beneficial   Manhattan Concert Productions
                                            pairing of choir and the social media
                                            app TikTok. By utilizing TikTok as  Cincinnati Music Hall
           4 Come Sunday: Using Black       a teaching, learning, recruitment,   Grand Ballroom
          Liberation Theology to Inform     coping, and advertising tool, choir
          Performance Practice              directors have the opportunity to  Clinicians: Felicia Barber, Joe Miller,
                                            connect to students and communities
          Duke Energy CC 2nd Floor          and eliminate barriers to music learn-  Elizabeth Schafer, and André Thomas
          South Meeting Rooms 230-233       ing and making in an innovative way.  Morningside University Choir
                                            Participants will leave the session with   Demonstration Choir
            In the United States, the Black   practical teaching resources, TikTok   Ryan Person, conductor
          church’s mission has been two-    how-to’s, and an understanding of
          pronged. It has been a place of   the many benefits of utilizing social
          comfort where community members   media. They will be empowered to
          celebrate, mourn, and commune     claim their space on the social media
          in an affirming spiritual center.   app and to utilize its many videos and
          The Black church has also served   teaching tools with their ensembles.

          CHORAL JOURNAL  February 2023 / 2023 ACDA National Conference Program Book                                           Volume 63  Number 6            71
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