Page 78 - CJFeb23
P. 78
Thursday, February 23 Detailed Schedule
The three session components Edryn J. Coleman, presenter Dedicated to recognizing significant
address key challenges, both in pre- and underrepresented composers,
covid and post-covid teaching. One Oakland Mills High School Singers, specifically Eastern Asian female
pre-covid challenge that still remains Insight Choir composers and their choral master-
important was finding accessible mu- pieces, the session aims to provide
sic that is diverse and inclusive, and Tom Shelton, presider practical and valuable guidance for
also crafted in culturally appropriate Past President, National ACDA music educators and choral directors
ways by expert composers and ar- to study and program choral reper-
rangers. Post-covid literature choices toire within this genre.
also have become more challenging, 2 An Introduction of Choral
as repertoire must support smaller, Literature by Eastern Asian Pingyi Song, presenter
less advanced choirs to accommo- Female Composers
date the loss of consistent in-person Jeremy Tucker, presider
rehearsal. Growth of music skills, Duke Energy CC 2nd Floor State President, North Carolina
musical independence, and vocal de- North Meeting Room 206
velopment has often been diminished
due to extended time in virtual or This session presents a brief intro- 3 Anyone Can Improvise!
hybrid choral settings. duction of choral literature by female An Essential Guide to Solo/Group
The ultimate goal of this session composers in Eastern Asian musical Improvisation
is to provide choral colleagues with a cultures, including Japan, Korea, and
diverse list of accessible high school China. The presentation introduces Duke Energy CC 2nd Floor
mixed choir selections that support the development of choral music in South Meeting Rooms 263-264
the student growth goals so necessary Eastern Asia, both in its traditional
in post-covid ensembles. form and under the influence of the How does one introduce impro-
Western European musical style. visation to a choir and to individual
singers? This session will answer that
question and many more through a
series of specific exercises and tech-
niques that will provide the tools to
successfully integrate improvisation
into their choral classroom. All par-
ticipants will leave this session with
an improvisation guidebook that will
include many solo and group impro-
visation exercises (including those
introduced in the session) as well as
an introduction to jazz theory with
examples of chords/scale relation-
ships and basic jazz piano chord
voicing techniques.
Tim Brent, presenter
Cara Tasher, presider
State Past President, Florida
76 CHORAL JOURNAL Volume 63 Number 6 February 2023 / 2023 ACDA National Conference Program Book