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Thursday, February 23                      Continued on next page

            7:30 AM - 5:00 PM                 Interest Sessions                loved one or patient to explore and
                                              Choose from five options         process emotion. This practice is
          Registration Open                                                    both deeply challenging and intensely
          Duke Energy CC 3rd Floor           1  Bridging the Gap:              rewarding. It is guided by the concept
          Grand Ballroom Pre-Function Lobby   From Concert Choir to            of “holding sacred space,” various
                                             Contemporary A Cappella           breathing and mindfulness practices,
                                                                               and unique repertoire selected to
            8:30 AM - 2:00 PM and            Duke Energy CC 2nd Floor          facilitate emotional openness and

            4:00 PM - 6:00 PM                South Meeting Rooms 230-233       personal connection. This participa-
                                                                               tory session engages participants in
          Exhibits Open                        The authors of  GIA’s newest    each of these practices and provides
          Duke Energy Convention Center      entry in the  Teaching Music Through   accessible free sheet music, rehearsal
          Grand Ballrooms A & B              Performance series aim to answer three   strategies, and group exercises to en-
                                             questions with this session: First,   courage the creation of this space in
                                             why should choral conductors who   any choral ensemble.
            8:00 AM - 8:50 AM                have immersed their entire lives in

            Exhibitor’s Showcase             standard choral literature care about   Nathan Reiff, presenter
                                             contemporary a cappella? Second,
          Appcompanist                       how can a fundamental understand-  Lisa Graham, presider
                                             ing of contemporary a cappella help   State President-Elect, Massachusetts
          Duke Energy CC 2nd Floor           improve your choir’s understanding
          Meeting Rooms 260-262              of more traditional literature? Third,
                                             how can choral conductors who are   3
          Using Appcompanist for Choirs.  unfamiliar with the culture of con-     How Contemporary Female
          App Demonstration with/Q&A  temporary a cappella dip their toe in    Canadian Composers Address
          time.                              the proverbial water?             Belonging in SSA Repertoire
                                                                               Duke Energy CC 2nd Floor
                                             Marc Silverberg, presenter        North Meeting Room 206
            Music in Worship
            R&R Deep Dive                    Rebecca Saltzman, presider          Contemporary female Canadian
                                             Chair, Eastern Region R&R for
          Duke Energy CC 3rd Floor           Vocal Jazz/A Cappella             composers bring innovative musical
          Junior Ballroom B                                                    elements and meaningful texts to all
                                                                               levels of SSA repertoire  to discuss
             Composers B. E. Boykin and Wen-                                   what it means to belong—to a choir,
          dell Glick will offer insights into their   2  Hospice Choirs: Creating Space   a community, our Earth, and the
          compositional process and musical   for Vulnerability, Connection, and   women’s empowerment movement.
          traditions.                        Comfort                           This session aims to introduce educa-
                                                                               tors to an array of relevant works that
                                             Duke Energy CC 2nd Floor
          Presenters: B. E. Boykin                                             will resonate with children’s, middle
          and Wendell Glick                  North Meeting Rooms 201-204       school,  community, and  university
                                                                               treble choirs. In addition to a succinct
          Bryan Black, presider                The hospice choir JourneySongs   overview  of  the  composer  activity
          Chair, National R&R for            shares choral music to create an   in Canada and where to access Ca-
          Music and Worship                  open, unintrusive setting for all  of   nadian choral music, educators will
                                             those involved in the death of  a   receive all the text/lyrics and a small

          CHORAL JOURNAL  February 2023 / 2023 ACDA National Conference Program Book                                           Volume 63  Number 6            67
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