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Thursday, February 23 Detailed Schedule
those involved in the death of a receive all the text/lyrics and a small music reading exposure. Through
loved one or patient to explore and packet of representative works to aid Cedric Dent’s time with ten-time
process emotion. This practice is in concert programming. Grammy Award-winning vocal group
both deeply challenging and intensely Take 6, we will explore the unique
rewarding. It is guided by the concept Regan MacNay, presenter voice of the Black gospel musician by
of “holding sacred space,” various seeking to understand the core of the
breathing and mindfulness practices, Jill Campbell, presider gospel vocal sound, common gospel
and unique repertoire selected to State Past President, Kentucky harmonic devices, and the cultural
facilitate emotional openness and heartbeat that seeps through this spe-
personal connection. This participa- cial musical art. Participants will learn
tory session engages participants in 4 Teaching Beyond the Music about how to better connect with,
each of these practices and provides honor, and educate these students.
accessible free sheet music, rehearsal Duke Energy CC 3rd Floor
strategies, and group exercises to en- Junior Ballroom D Matt Falker and Cedric Dent,
courage the creation of this space in presenters
any choral ensemble. In today’s classrooms we must
teach beyond the music. In this inter- Lou De La Rosa, presider
Nathan Reiff, presenter active session, Jason Max Ferdinand Past President, Western Region
and his National Education Advisory
Lisa Graham, presider Team will present their contributions
State President-Elect, Massachusetts to Ferdinand’s Teaching With Heart 11:45 AM - 1:00 PM
educational series.
3 How Contemporary Female Jason Max Ferdinand, presenter Collegiate Student
Conductor's Institute
Canadian Composers Address Advisory Team: Cindy Ellis, Ryan Graduate Conducting Masterclass
Belonging in SSA Repertoire Marsh, Ed Norris, Robert Martinez,
Duke Energy CC 2nd Floor Hope Milthaler, Lulu Mupfumbu, Live-streaming sponsored by
Manhattan Concert Productions
North Meeting Room 206 Logan Caywood, and Ryan Ellis
Rachel Carlson, presider Cincinnati Music Hall
Contemporary female Canadian Grand Ballroom
composers bring innovative musical State President, Maryland
elements and meaningful texts to all Clinicians: Felicia Barber, Joe Miller,
levels of SSA repertoire to discuss Elizabeth Schafer, and André Thomas
what it means to belong—to a choir, 5 Understanding the Unique Voice
a community, our Earth, and the and Culture of the Gospel Musician Capital University Chapel Choir,
women’s empowerment movement. Demonstration Choir
This session aims to introduce educa- Duke Energy CC 2nd Floor
tors to an array of relevant works that South Meeting Rooms 263-264 Lynda Hasseler, conductor
will resonate with children’s, middle
school, community, and university It can be quite a challenge under-
treble choirs. In addition to a succinct standing the perspective of a student
overview of the composer activity who walks into your choral classroom
in Canada and where to access Ca- armed with only experience in con-
nadian choral music, educators will temporary gospel, and little-to-no
74 CHORAL JOURNAL Volume 63 Number 6 February 2023 / 2023 ACDA National Conference Program Book