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Thursday, February 23                               Detailed Schedule

          Fever Dreams                      munities in the following three ways:   the student growth goals so necessary
          Erich Eastman                     1) by introducing accessible, diverse   in post-covid ensembles.
          Manuscript                        choral music appropriate for high
                                            school choral singers, 2) by contribut-  Edryn J. Coleman, presenter
          Radiance Untethered               ing culturally diverse music composed
          John Wykoff                       and arranged by minority choral    Oakland Mills High School Singers,
          Walton Music                      musicians, and 3) by demonstrating   Insight Choir

                                            a rehearsal/concert environment of
           9:05 AM - 9:55 AM                belonging that can nurture the social   Tom Shelton, presider
                                            and emotional needs of all choristers   Past President, National ACDA
                                            as they interact with the music and
           SSAA/Women’s                     each other.
           R&R Deep Dive                       Participants will receive a read-  2  An Introduction of Choral
                                            ing packet of accessible repertoire.   Literature by Eastern Asian
          Duke Energy CC 3rd Floor          Student singers in the demonstration
          Junior Ballroom B                 choir  (diversity  is  reflected  in  their   Female Composers
                                            population) will perform selected   Duke Energy CC 2nd Floor
          Breaking the Mold                 repertoire,  providing  choral direc-  North Meeting Room 206
                                            tors with a real-time opportunity to
            This  session  takes  a  deeper  look  hear a high school choir perform   This session presents a brief intro-
          into literature for SSAA choirs that  these selections. After each selection,   duction of choral literature by female
          empowers singers and ensembles  students will reflect on the concept of   composers in Eastern Asian musical
          in  different  ways.  Participants  will  belonging to this choir.   cultures, including Japan, Korea, and
          explore four diverse pieces of mu-   The three session components    China. The presentation  introduces
          sic in depth, gaining insight into  address key challenges, both in pre-  the development of choral music in
          composer intent, rehearsal strategy,  covid and post-covid teaching. One   Eastern Asia, both in its traditional
          performance practice, and cultural  pre-covid challenge that still remains   form and under the influence of the
          understanding.                    important was finding accessible mu-  Western European musical style.
                                            sic that is diverse and inclusive, and   Dedicated to recognizing significant
          Presenter: Erin Plisco            also crafted in culturally appropriate   and underrepresented composers,
                                            ways by expert composers and ar-   specifically Eastern Asian female
                                            rangers. Post-covid literature choices   composers and their choral master-
           Interest Sessions                also have become more challenging,   pieces, the session aims to provide
           Choose from five options         as repertoire must support smaller,   practical and valuable guidance for
                                            less advanced choirs to accommo-   music educators and choral directors
                                            date the loss of consistent in-person   to study and program choral reper-
           1  Accessible and Beautiful:     rehearsal. Growth of  music skills,   toire within this genre.
          SATB/SAB Music by Minority        musical independence, and vocal de-
          Composers/Arrangers               velopment has often been diminished   Pingyi Song, presenter
          Duke Energy CC 3rd Floor          due to extended time in virtual or   Jeremy Tucker,  presider
                                            hybrid choral settings.
          Junior Ballroom D                    The ultimate goal of this session   State President, North Carolina
                                            is to provide choral colleagues with a
            This session seeks to support the  diverse list of accessible high school
          many distinct ACDA choral com-    mixed choir selections that support

            70      CHORAL JOURNAL  Volume 63  Number 6                                                         February 2023 / 2023 ACDA National Conference Program Book
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