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tionship-building and exchanges that  highlight  each   works with the teachers of the participating students,
        member’s unique strengths.                          providing interactive professional development as well
                                                            as facilitating leadership focused sessions with the par-
        Suggested Resource: Fuelberth, Rhonda J. “Lessons   ticipating students.
        from i Choir” in Relevance in the Choral Art: A Pathway to
        Connections,  edited  by  Tim  Sharp  (United  Kingdom:   What is the most successful aspect of the project?
        GIA Publications, Incorporated, 2021): 155-182.
                                                              The success is two-fold: Providing a space in which
                                                            middle and high school students can learn and work
                                                            together and make music together for a day. Second,
          Inspire and Empower SA Festival                   providing  teachers  with  a  professional  development
          Submitted by: David Verdoni                       opportunity in a personal way where you can interact
          Location: Sarasota, Florida                       with other  participants  and the  presenter  in a space
            where you feel comfortable to ask questions and col-
                                                            laborate with colleagues.
          Program or Project Title:
          Inspire and Empower SA Festival                   What is the collaborative element of your project?

                                                              Middle school students work with high school stu-
                                                            dents throughout the entire experience with the lead-
                                                            ership clinician and the choir clinician. The attending
                                                            directors actively participate in the festival by collabo-
                                                            rating with the PD clinician on topics relating to teach-
                                                            ing in today’s choral classroom.

                                                                Hold your own.

           The Inspire and Empower SA Festival is a one-day
        Leadership and Choral Festival open to SA singers in
        grades seven to twelve. It stemmed from an interest in
        increasing access to musical and personal growth op-
        portunities to populations in the choral world that we
        felt  are  often  overlooked;  middle  school-aged  singers
        and SA voices, which we often have an abundance of
        when compared to Tenor and Bass singers. This day
        is focused on process, growth, and collaboration. It is
        currently held at the high school we work at in Sara-
        sota, Florida. We bring in two clinicians for the day.
        One clinician conducts the honor choir during the day            Toll-free: 1.877.246.7253
        on music that is learned onsite. The second clinician
                                                                        (604) 681-5386
        CHORAL JOURNAL  October 2024                                                                                       Volume 65  Number 3            71
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