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side by side with our BBC singers in concerts, giving   ing musical excellence while celebrating cultural diver-
        back to their new community, creating something joy-  sity.
        ful, feeling seen and heard, and being part of a larger
        community. All this has a profoundly positive impact   What is the most successful aspect of the project?
        on the lives of our singers, which we hope carries over
        to all aspects of their lives in this city they have chosen   CCA  experienced  tremendous growth during  the
        to be their new home.                               2023-24 school year. Currently, CCA serves seven CPS
                                                            schools and is impacting the lives of 133 students and
                                                            their  immediate  communities,  with  a  growing  list  of
                                                            schools requesting to participate. Through events and
         Cincinnati Youth Choir                             performances  with  the  combined  CYC  choirs,  CCA
         Submitted by: Robyn Lana, Artistic Director of     forms lasting relationships with children in urban com-
         Cincinnati Youth Choir; Keri McGuire, Director of   munities and their choral colleagues in suburban and
         Cincinnati Choral Academy                          rural communities. The seven CCA schools combine as
         Location: Cincinnati, Ohio                         one large ensemble within CYC but also perform indi-                    vidually for their schools and in neighborhood-specific
                                                            community events.
         Program or Project Title:
         Cincinnati Choral Academy                          What is the collaborative element of your project?

                                                              CCA exists as an intentional partnership  between
                                                            the Cincinnati Youth Choir and the Cincinnati Public
                                                            Schools.  Together,  they  identify  target schools  whose
                                                            students would benefit from this free after-school pro-
                                                            gram. CCA singers also participate in numerous musi-
                                                            cal and artistic collaborations, such as performing with
                                                            other CYC choirs, working with guest artists, and par-

           The  Cincinnati  Choral  Academy  (CCA)  is  an  El
        Sistema-inspired approach to music education provid-
        ing  no-fee  membership  in  the  extensive  after-school
        choral program created by the Cincinnati Youth Choir
        (CYC). Supported as a collaboration with the CYC, the
        Cincinnati May  Festival, and the Vocal Arts Ensem-        Take center stage
        ble, CCA serves students in Cincinnati Public Schools      Choose from 100+ creative degree programs
        (CPS) that are designated as Title 1. Through the art      to prepare for your career on screen, on set,
                                                                   or behind the scenes.
        and teamwork established in choral singing, CCA’s mis-     Learn more at
        sion is to enrich and educate the community by build-
        ing outstanding young leaders. The program is offered
        in seven schools to children in grades three through six.               ABOVE: SCAD performance of All Shook Up
        The learning environment is safe and creative, provid-

        CHORAL JOURNAL  October 2024                                                                                       Volume 65  Number 3            67
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