Page 70 - CJOct24
P. 70

Collaboration Spotlights

        ticipating in the CYC-hosted Cincinnati Public Shcool   alongside a war. Perhaps its success lies in its durability
        Honor Choir conducted by  Dr. Rollo Dilworth and    and the commitment of so many people who continue
        Robyn Lana. CCA is a vital part of the CYC fabric,   to struggle against polarizing narratives to devote them-
        and singers throughout the program benefit from these   selves to creative and justice-focused choral expression.
        shared experiences.
                                                            What is the collaborative element of your project?

                                                              The essence of this project is collaboration at all lev-
          Common Ground Voices (Jerusalem)                  els.  Participants  select repertoire,  fuse  them together,
          Submitted by: André de Quadros                    and create participatory peacebuilding circles. Not only
          Location: The Holy Land: Galilee, Jerusalem,      is CGV (J) essentially collaborative in decision making,
          and beyond                                        but it works at all levels on building consensus.

          Program or Project Title:
          Common Ground Voices
                                                              El Faro Youth Chorus
                                                              Submitted by: Gabrielle Dietrich
                                                              Location: Albuquerque, New Mexico

                                                              Program or Project Title:
                                                              El Faro Youth Chorus

           Common Ground Voices (Jerusalem) was founded
        in 2016 as a peace-seeking music and dialogue project
        between Jewish Israelis and Palestinians. The ensemble
        operates on a project basis with annual residencies most-
        ly in the Holy Land. Since 2016, CGV(J) has worked to
        build understanding between a broad cross-section of
        communities through workshops, community engage-
        ment, and collaborating with local organizations such
        as Combatants for Peace. The repertoire represents an   El Faro Youth Chorus (EFYC) is the first-ever trau-
        artistic  fusion  between  music  from  Arabic,  Hebrew,   ma-informed  choral  ensemble.  Founded  in  October
        and Yiddish traditions, as well as world music. CGV   2021 as a youth outreach program of ABQ Coro Lux
        (J) has had residencies and projects in Germany and   (an  auditioned  community  chorus  in  Albuquerque,
        Sweden, as well as in Galilee and Jerusalem.        New Mexico, conducted by Bradley Ellingboe), El Faro
                                                            Youth  Chorus  welcomes  young  people  ages  seven  to
        What is the most successful aspect of the project?  eighteen to learn musicianship skills and healthy vocal
                                                            technique as they also learn about emotional regula-
           It is challenging to discuss success of a choral project   tion,  self-awareness,  healthy  social  relationships,  and

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