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Collaboration Spotlights

         Nebraska-Lincoln Glenn Korff School of Music and   der  the  umbrella  of  mutual  respect—is  what  makes
         the  International  Quilt  Museum  to  provide  music-  i Choir an impactful program.
         making  opportunities  for  individuals  of  all  abilities.
         Participants range in age from fifth grade to adults.   Universal Design
         The community choir is open to all participants who   One of the project outcomes for the i Choir Proj-
         can sing or who want to learn to sing. Participants are   ect is the implementation and documentation of Uni-
         encouraged to join in cross-age, cross-ability groups or   versal Design for Learning Principles as a framework
         “singing teams” of two to four who want to participate   for music instruction. What makes i Choir unique and
         in the ensemble together. Membership is made up of   successful is our focus on proactive planning for learn-
         individuals who wish to sing with, and support, family   er (singer) variability. In the same way that universally
         members and friends with a variety of physical, sen-  designed buildings are constructed for ease of naviga-
         sory, and cognitive challenges.                    tion by all people, universally designed learning spaces
           Using the principles of Universal Design for Learn-  can be purposefully and proactively constructed for all
         ing  (,  musical  growth   singers, no matter their abilities or stage of musical de-
         activities are designed to maximize the learning po-  velopment.
         tential for everyone who participates. i Choir seeks to
         be an agent of social change both internally, through   What is the collaborative element of your project?
         the process of exploring various issues within the re-
         hearsal  environment,  and  externally,  by  presenting   Organizational Collaboration
         performances that encourage audience participation   i Choir represents a partnership between the Glenn
         and reflection. It is our intention that audience mem-  Korff  School  of  Music  (GKSOM)  and  the  Interna-
         bers connect to the power of their own voices and use   tional Quilt Museum (IQM). Quilting and choral mu-
         them to advocate, to act, and to promote access, inclu-  sic  making  are  metaphors  for  community.  Both  the
         sion, diversity, and belonging within our communities.  quilter  and  the  choral  musician  use  their  respective
           The values and goals underlying i Choir are encap-  materials to create patterns that express both collective
         sulated in its name. The lowercase “i” signifies the im-  (past practices and traditions) and individual artistry.
         portance of technology as a learning tool, especially   In quilting and in choral singing, each piece/singer is
         beneficial for those who face challenges in accessing   beautiful, independent of the other pieces/singers, but
         information without its regular use. Additionally, the   when combined, they create something rich in dimen-
         “i”  represents  “inclusive”  and  “intergenerational,”   sion,  full  of  meaning,  and  unique  to  that  particular
         reflecting  both  the  diversity  of  our  singers  and  our   moment in time.
         mission to enhance access for the broader community,
         regardless  of  age  or  ability.  The  exponent  suggests   Participant Collaboration
         that expanding our reach and relevance can lead to   In i Choir, each singer brings something unique to
         exponentially greater outcomes than we might have   the ensemble. We recognize and appreciate the distinct
         anticipated.                                       contributions of every member. By identifying and le-
                                                            veraging their individual strengths, we foster a sense of
         What is the most successful aspect of your project?  ownership and belonging among our participants. In
                                                            i Choir, we emphasize effort and the journey towards
         Meaningful Connections                             mastering key artistic concepts. All musical activities
           The most palpable success of the i Choir Project   are structured around a central conceptual theme. For
         has been the impact of singing on the lives of our sing-  instance, a rehearsal might center on breath manage-
         ers and our community. The relationships built within   ment and phrasing with all related learning activities
         our immediate community are also very special. Par-  aligning  with  this  focus.  Singers  receive  encourage-
         ticipating in this creative endeavor together—all un-  ment and guidance from one another, fostering rela-

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