Page 21 - CJOct24
P. 21

A State of Stress: Self-Care Strategies for Combating the Effects of Burnout

                      Self-Care Redefined                   existence. Remembering where you are and the group
                                                            you are surrounded by and putting your situation into
        In-School Self-Care Strategies                      perspective is crucial. If you are a K-12 teacher or un-
           It can seem counterintuitive to find strategies for self-  dergraduate college professor, it can be difficult to re-
        care that are specifically in-school. Isn’t that the whole   mind yourself that a students’ prefrontal cortex is not
        purpose, to take care of yourself outside of the stressful   fully developed until age twenty-five, which of course
        environment? Oftentimes, we spend more time in our   is the part of the brain to control complex behavioral
        rehearsal spaces than we do in our own homes. It is   performance and executive functions.
        imperative to find ways throughout the day to recenter
        ourselves and to create spaces that cannot be turned   Use Your Time Off!
        against us or do damage to us. Why shouldn’t we also   Sick days vs Personal Time Off (PTO) are two things
        feel comfortable in the spaces we strive to make com-  teachers try to collect like gold coins. However, often-
        fortable for our musicians?                         times PTO does not roll over for future school years!
                                                            Take the time in the beginning of the school year to
        Setting Boundaries/Defining Non-Negotiables         pre-schedule  PTO  for  things  you  find  important  to
           We as teachers are quick to say “yes” for many rea-  you—birthdays, a mental health day after a particu-
        sons: to prove we can be good team workers, work for   larly stressful concert series, a concert by your favorite
        our administration’s praise, to do what we can for our   band. This will also provide little spots in the year to
        students, to name a few. However, for us to be the best   be excited for outside of an otherwise hectic schedule!
        versions of ourselves we can be, we have to make our
        work environment a place where we feel comfortable   Out-of-School Self-Care Strategies
        saying a teacher’s least favorite word: “no.” Creating a   Out-of-school strategies for burnout highlight your-
        calendar at the beginning of the school year with dates   self, the people you love, and that which you love to do.
        you can commit to and sticking to it is a way to ensure   We want to emphasize that eating, sleeping, and resting
        that your administration sees you are able to work, but   are not self-care; they are basic human needs. Using
        you have set days that you cannot add extra. If you   those as “rewards” is not beneficial to our emotional,
        are an upper-level teacher, often students come to you   mental, or physical health, and trains our brains not to
        with all of their hard issues and emotions. Finding a   place value on them.
        way to be supportive while not making their issues your
        problem is crucial to create those boundaries and keep   Setting Boundaries
        your classroom not just a safe space for them, but a safe   There  is a  long-standing  stigma  that  burnout  is
        space for you.                                      equated to success; we have the power to break that
                                                            cycle and redefine what success is to us. Setting bound-
        Changing Your Environment/Organization              aries encourages us to give of ourselves in all aspects of
           Take  time to  make an organization  system  that   our lives as we are able, which creates balance. Power-
        works for you. Whether that’s labeled drawers or fold-  ful tools to utilize include defining our own non-nego-
        ers, or just having your own system of piles on your   tiables—the things in our lives that we are not willing
        desk, keeping things organized will help to alleviate the   to give up, the lines we are not willing to cross, and the
        panic of having to be “perfect.” Creating a space in   values we hold—along with using “no” as a full sen-
        your classroom, whether you have an office or a corner   tence.
        with a desk that is your comfort space, can help.
                                                            Spending Time with Loved Ones
        Mindfulness and Crafting                              Being in the presence of those we love can instantly
           The little things are absolutely allowed to bother us,   shift our mood, our motivations, and our actions. Liv-
        but we should strive to not let it be the bane of our   ing life with and creating memories with loved ones is

        CHORAL JOURNAL  October 2024                                                                                       Volume 65  Number 3            19
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