Page 23 - CJOct24
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A State of Stress: Self-Care Strategies for Combating the Effects of Burnout

        you are the only person on your team/in your school/  other person to function as a sounding board. By incor-
        in your circle of influence who is voicing concerns or   porating self-care strategies in your work and personal
        calling out issues. You are brave for the sheer fact that   life, you will begin to see small but important changes in
        you have empathy and recognize humanity. Your cour-  your physical, mental, and emotional health.
        age will look different day to day, and sometimes even
        moment to moment. That is okay.
        Recognizing Humanity
           Seeing people as humans rather than commodities   1  Merriam-Webster  Dictionary,  https://www.merriam-webster.
        reminds us that each person is facing their own lived   com/.
        experiences each and every day. We approach life and   2   Jessica  Nápoles,  “Burnout:  A  Review  of  the  Literature.”
        our actions differently when we live in a space of hon-  Update: Applications of  Research in Music Education 40, no. 2
        oring and celebrating all people. In modeling this in    (2022): 19-26.
        our own lives, we nurture it within our own singers and   3   Jessica  Nápoles,  et.  al.,  “Burnout  and  Impostor  Phenom-
        those around us. This also fosters space for us to learn   enon Among Undergraduate Music Education Majors.”
        from one another  and create  deeper  understanding,    Journal of  Research in Music Education (November 2023).
        building an impactful, never-ending cycle of growth.   4   Jessica  Nápoles,  et.  al.,  “Burnout  and  Perceived  Agency
                                                                Among Texas Choir Teachers.” Journal of  Research in Mu-
                                                                sic Education 71, no. 3 (2022): 283–96.
        Self-Care Mentoring Strategies                      5  Devlin  Peck,  “Teacher  Burnout  Statistics:  Why  Teach-
           Some  of our greatest  assets are  the  others in our   ers  Quit in  2024,”  n.d.
        fields.  Specifically  as  choral  educators,  we  are  often   content/teacher-burnout-statistics.
        the only ones in our school, and our mentors are often   6  Elizabeth D. Steiner and Ashley Woo, “Job-Related Stress
        another arts teacher who gets the school but not nec-   Threatens the Teacher Supply: Key Findings From the
        essarily our subject or situation specifically. Creating a   2021 State  of the U.S. Teacher Survey,”  n.d.  https://
        network for mentoring and collaborating is important.
        Having a group of people who understand what it’s       reports/RRA1100/RRA1108-1/RAND_RRA1108-1.
        like to be in your shoes and are able to offer advice,   pdf.
        sympathy, and help you to find humor in the situations   7  Dan Harris, host, “For the Burned, Fried, and Exhausted
        you end up in will be a large part of completing those   with  Dr.  Amelia  &  Emily  Nagoski.”  Ten  Percent  Hap-
        tense emotion cycles. Find your support, whether it’s   pier  with  Dan Harris  (podcast,  2022).  Accessed  January
        another chorus teacher in your district/a neighboring   20,  2024.
        district, your undergraduate cohort, or a group of peo-  episode/emily-amelia-nagoski-409.
        ple you talk to online that all met in a chorus director
        Facebook page.
           Make sure you find people who are unbiased to ex-
        press your thoughts and feelings to. If you are able, find
        a  therapist or  counselor. Surrounding yourself with
        those you love who have no connection to your profes-
        sion will give you space to find parts of yourself that are
        not solely weighed in what you do for work.
           As singletons in our own environments, whether it’s
        at a school, church, or community choir, often we keep
        our stressors and issues  to  ourselves. Sometimes, the
        most beneficial thing we can do is to reach out to an-

        CHORAL JOURNAL  October 2024                                                                                       Volume 65  Number 3            21
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