Page 22 - CJOct24
P. 22

A State of Stress: Self-Care Strategies for Combating the Effects of Burnout

         something we carry with us forever, and therefore im-  We  hope  that  reflecting  on  these  strategies  helps
         portant to not miss out on.                        bring into focus your life, your lived experience, and
                                                            your needs. We also hope it affirms that self-care is not
         Spending Time on Hobbies and Interests             self-indulgent, but rather a means for greater mental,
           These absolutely  fuel  who we  are  as humans  and   emotional, and physical health.
         contribute to what makes us unique. There is nothing
         quite like time spent in creativity and inspiration! An-
         other thing to consider is that remaining involved in        Advocating and Mentoring
         music making for the sheer joy it brings you is vital. It   Advocating and mentoring are both powerful tools
         is easy to get wrapped up when our hobby is also our   in self-care. Advocating allows us to use self-care to help
         profession. Staying involved in an ensemble encourages   others. Mentoring allows other people to help us. This
         us to keep a love for music at the forefront.      cycle of people helping one another creates an unstop-
                                                            pable and influential force for good and for self-care.
         Having Designated Mindful Spaces
           Creating spaces in the places you most frequent can   Self-Care Advocating Strategies
         quite literally bring a breath of fresh air. The calm and   Strategies for advocating include speaking out, hav-
         peace we feel in a space that is cozy, organized, and   ing courage, and recognizing humanity. While advocat-
         uplifting can make all the difference.             ing, it is important to do so to the capacity you are able.
                                                            It is not your responsibility alone to fix what needs to be
         Making the Ordinary “Extraordinary”                restored. Partnering with and leaning on the common
           Being alive is the special occasion! Finding ways to   collective helps remind us we are better together. Know
         bring light  to your day  can truly make the  ordinary   that both you and your actions are enough. Remember
         extraordinary! Even a small change can create a big   to pour grace into yourself. Advocating is work we all
         impact. Something such as turning dinner into a pic-  can contribute to, and it will look differently person to
         nic or picking up flowers on the way home to celebrate   person. That is what makes it so powerful!
         the day can remind you to love the present—knowing
         there is nothing better than the here and now.     Speaking Out
           In addition, remind yourself of how kind, brilliant,   Your voice has power. Speaking out against injus-
         and beautiful you are always. Celebrate being human.   tices,  unfairness, systemic issues, work overload,  and
         Celebrate your hard work. Celebrate just because! This   conflicting  values  when  able  encourages  inquiry  and
         world would not be the same without you, and that is   open-mindedness in others, inspiration, and motiva-
         forever something to celebrate.                    tion. It is important to recognize that many voices are
                                                            silenced. Helping break down barriers by questioning
         Perspective and Affirmations                       why they are there is vital in making sure all voices are
           Reflection and gratitude help us pour into and love   heard. Speaking out can look like calling out harmful
         ourselves while we pour into and love others. Take time   language used by a colleague. It can look like sharing
         to stop and think, “I do not get this moment in time,   your ideas at community meetings or at your capital. It
         with these people, doing this thing ever again. How can   can look like questioning policies. It can look like voic-
         I use this perspective to guide my day?” Affirmation is   ing concerns. The list is endless, so remember, the ways
         also a powerful tool that can be embraced in a variety   in which you speak out are powerful and do contribute
         of ways: words spoken or written, a small gift, or time.   to combating systemic issues that can cause burnout.
         Positive words we speak to ourselves, things that bring
         us joy, or time spent in self-care connect us to greater   Having Courage
         health emotionally, mentally, and physically.        Advocating requires deep courage. Honor yourself.
                                                            Give yourself rest. It can be exhausting when it feels like

        20      CHORAL JOURNAL  October 2024                                                   Volume 65  Number 3
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